Sweet Potato and Oatmeal Arepas Recipe

You are very hungry, you check the fridge and…, there are only a couple of vegetables! You ask yourself: do I go to the supermarket or do I better look for an alternative? At this article, we have an option for this type of moment: sweet potato and oatmeal arepas. Yes! A sweet vegetable and cereal… what a way to start the day!

Remember, many times with little you can make easy dishes with an incomparable flavor.  Imagination counts a lot when it comes to cooking, and it is that famous world recipes arise even by lucky accidents. Stay with us and discover how to make sweet potato arepas without flour, ideal for any occasion.

Ingredients to make Sweet Potato and Oatmeal Arepas

  • 3 pieces of sweet potato
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • 3 teaspoons of vegetable oil

How to make Sweet Potato and Oatmeal Arepas:

First step for our sweet potato arepas without flour: wash and cut the sweet potatoes.  Then, cook them in a saucepan with boiling water until they soften completely. Strain and spray the sweet potatoes with cold water. Remove the shell from the skin and continue with the preparation of the oatmeal arepas without cornmeal.

Tip: You must drain the water well.

Make a puree with the sweet potatoes. Add the oil or substitute the same amount of vegetable butter. Then, prepare a dough with the puree and add the oats. Knead until you create a consistent dough without lumps. Then, create several balls of dough, one for each sweet potato and oatmeal arepa you want to make. Mold until you achieve a disk-like shape, with a thickness greater than one centimeter. However, the thickness will depend on the tastes of the guests or yours. In a previously heated pan, place the sweet potato arepas without flour. Cook from side to side for 5 minutes on each side. What a treat! This sweet potato and oatmeal arepas recipe is very healthy and tasty.

Nutritional Information on Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is a very tasty vegetable with a sweet flavor that combined with the texture of oats provides a very creative and delicious recipe. In addition, the sweet potato is a very nutritious food, every 100 grams cooked, without any additive, extra has:

  • 5140mg beta-carotene
  • More than 3 grams of fiber
  • 480mg potassium
  • 23mg of vitamin C
  • 6mg of vitamin E
  • 9mg iron
  • 4mg zinc

The benefits of the sweet potato are many and very valuable: powerful antioxidant, contributes to the prevention of cancer, strokes and heart problems, normalizes high blood pressure, easy to digest, very nutritious, helps in case of intestinal inflammation, heals ulcers, facilitates evacuation, improves circulation and raises intellectual performance.  Likewise, it is ideal for diets due to its low caloric content, it also improves vision in general but especially night vision.

This tuber is very common in Latin American food, however it is known in other parts of the world and usually accompanies delicious dishes. The sweet potato combines in game dishes, red meats, cheeses and desserts. Anyone who has tasted Canarian sancocho with salted fish can attest to its flavor.

The sweet potato, as it is also known, is a very versatile vegetable that, due to its sweet flavor, is an incredible ally to perform wonders in confectionery. Sweets, muffins, breads and cakes become unforgettable when you include them with this vegetable.

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