Sweet Popcorn Recipe

Popcorn is usually consumed salty, but sweet popcorn is loved by both children and adults. Therefore, today we will teach you how to make homemade sweet popcorn with direct caramel, which is personally the easiest method for me, without making too much mess and without spending a lot of time in the kitchen.

Ingredients to make Sweet Popcorn:

  • 125 grams of Pira corn
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil
  • 125 grams of sugar

How to make Sweet Popcorn:

1.Before making these caramelized popcorn, the first step is to get all the ingredients ready.

2.In a pot, add the oil and the corn, cook over low heat, covered, until all the corn bursts.

3.Separately, in another large pot, arrange the sugar and cook over a very low heat without mixing, this in order to obtain a caramel. If you want more details, consult the liquid caramel recipe.

4.When there is little left for the sugar to melt, add the popcorn and immediately, with the help of a spatula, mix very well. To know if they are well done, the layer of caramel that is on the popcorn must be very thin.

5.Lay out a sheet of parchment paper or parchment paper on a flat surface and spread the caramelized popcorn on it. Let sit for a few minutes to cool caramel, do not eat right away because caramel can burn easily.

6.It is time to serve and enjoy the sweet popcorn, this recipe is ideal to share with children because although it contains sugar, it is not as harmful to health as some that are available on the market with artificial ingredients and unhealthy fats. I recommend accompanying them with an Oreo milkshake shake.


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