Sweet Guava Cachapa Recipe

Corn cachapa is a round and thin cake, similar to American pancakes. Many times paper or sugar is added to the mixture, which gives it that distinctive salty-sweet flavor, characteristic of Venezuelan food and can be cooked in budare, a more traditional way, also in a pan or on the grill.

The typical cachapas are served with “queso de mano”, also with “telita” cheese or “guiyanés” cheese, all three are varieties of white cheese native to Venezuela. Also, always with a touch of butter. However, today there is a wide variety of fillings.

And thinking about these varieties, we offers you another way to eat the Caribbean pancake with the recipe for sweet guava cachapas. Ideal for snack, breakfast or “dessert”.  Guava candy and corn, both aromatic ingredients par excellence, will intoxicate your table.

Ingredients to make sweet guava Cachapa:

  • 1 package of Mix to prepare cachapas
  • 1 bottle of milk
  • 5 canned guava
  • 1 bottle of guava jam
  • 100 grams of white cheese or cream cheese
  • 100 grams of grated white cheese
  • 1 avocado (optional)

How to make sweet guava cachapa:

In the place designated for kitchen work, place all the ingredients. Also add the utensils that you consider necessary for this task. To make the cachapas dough, mix the cachapas flour together with the milk and water in a bowl. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding measurements and procedure.

When the mixture is homogeneous, let it rest for 5 minutes or what the manufacturer indicates.

If you want to make them at home, any of these recipes can help you:

  • Andean corn arepas
  • Pumpkin cachapa without flour
  • Carrot dumplings

Place a frying pan on the heat, pass a napkin soaked in oil over the surface and when it is hot enough, pour the corn mixture inside and cook the cachapas.

Cook each side for 5-8 minutes. To prevent it from falling apart, very carefully place a large plate on top of the pan and flip. Then, to return it to the pan, let it slide down the plate.  Wait for the other side of the cachapa to cook before serving.

This trick works only if the cachapa has been cooked very well on one side, otherwise it will break. For even cooking, cover the pan with a lid. The fun moment has arrived! The one to fill the cachapas with guava.

Place the cachapa on the plate, spread with butter and enough guava jam. Add a few slices of sweet guava and white cheese or cream cheese, how much? … It depends on how sweet you are! Add grated cheese on top and a slice of avocado (optional)… to taste!

Who can resist this versatile sweet corn cake? Wherever you are from, you will be captivated by the flavor and versatility of sweet guava cachapas, a dish that will provide you with new nuances when eating.

Any substitutes for the ingredients in this recipe? You can use any white cheese, be it sweeter or saltier, because with the sweet guava, both styles combine perfectly. You can put the avocado or not, but I recommend it, you can even substitute the butter for it. I already have the cutlery in hand! Bon appetite!

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