Sweet corn cachapas with plantain recipe

Corn cachapas are tortillas that are cooked on the grill and are prepared with a dough made from corn grains and milk. They are exquisite and can be eaten at any time of the day, and although the traditional recipe only requires a couple of ingredients, cachapas can be made in many flavors.

In this case we are going to add a little panela and banana which will give our cachapas a spectacular flavor. Does it catch your attention or not? Because our mouths are already watering. These cachapas of sweet corn with plantain will win you over, so let’s start cooking.

Ingredients to make Sweet Corn Cachapas with Banana:

  • 200 grams of ground sweet corn dough
  • 1 ripe banana
  • ½ cup of panela
  • ½ cup of milk (120 milliliters)
  • Oil or Butter

How to make sweet corn cachapas with plantain:

We gather all the ingredients to prepare our cachapas and start by grating the banana and panela. Remember that the best thing is that the banana is very ripe, so the cachapas will be sweeter. Add all the ingredients to a bowl and mix until the dough is as uniform as possible. The dough for the sweet corn cachapas should be slightly thick and with many lumps. Next, heat a non-stick frying pan, previously greased with a few drops of oil or butter. Heat high heat. When the pan is very hot, lower the temperature to a minimum and cook the cachapas on the grill, adding portions of dough and cooking from side to side. Repeat the operation until you finish with all the dough. Serve the sweet corn cachapas with plantain and accompany with a little butter and grated white cheese… enjoy!

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