Sweet chestnut cream recipe

With the arrival of autumn and cold days, chestnuts also arrive. To take advantage of them, we have prepared a delicious chestnut cream recipe that is very easy to make. You can use it to make various desserts, fillings and cakes, as well as to accompany breakfast toast if you like sweets. With few ingredients and a fairly simple preparation, you will get a cream with a lot of texture that will make you feel the true essence of chestnuts. In this case we have made it sweet, but it can also be prepared salty to accompany meat sauces and other recipes.

Confirm that you have everything you need and discover how to make sweet chestnut cream step by step with this article.

Ingredients to make Sweet chestnut cream:

  • 400 grams of chestnuts
  • 400 milliliters of milk
  • 150 grams of sugar (¾ cup)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla flavoring or a piece of vanilla pod
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Sweet Chestnut Cream:

  1. Are you wondering how to make homemade chestnut cream? Well, to start with the sweet chestnut cream recipe, wash the chestnuts well and make a cut.
  2. Put a saucepan with water to boil and, when it is boiling, blanch the chestnuts for 5 minutes.
  3. When 5 minutes have passed, remove the chestnuts and drain them.
  4.  Let them warm so as not to burn, but peel them before they cool.
  5. Put a saucepan with milk, sugar, a pinch of salt and vanilla. Move and add the peeled chestnuts. Go stirring and let them cook for 20-25 minutes.
  6. Taste the cream in case you want it to be sweeter, in which case add more sugar.
  7. Once the chestnuts are cooked, grind them until they are like a cream. If it is very thick and hard you can add more milk.
  8. Depending on what you are using it for, the sweet chestnut cream should be thicker or thinner. You can keep it well in the fridge in a glass jar.
  9. Tip: wait until it cools down before refrigerating it so that the texture of the cream does not change.
  10. Now you can eat the delicious sweet chestnut cream!

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