Sushi Recipe without Nori Seaweed

Today we are going with a dish that becomes more common every day, it is sushi. But we will not make just any sushi, but in this step-by-step recipe you will learn how to prepare a delicious sushi with French omelette.

Until just 10 years ago, in Spain, to say sushi was to talk about something very exclusive that very few knew about. Luckily, nowadays, we can eat sushi on a regular basis and even make it ourselves, since supermarkets and specialized stores already sell us all the necessary products to make homemade sushi easily and simply.

In the sushi recipe that we propose today we have found a substitute for the very Spanish nori seaweed: a French omelette. Why substitute nori seaweed? Well, very simple: not everyone likes nori seaweed, but sushi as such. So why not give them the opportunity to eat sushi too? So, hands to rice with our sushi without nori seaweed.

Ingredients to make Sushi without nori seaweed:

  1. 2 cups of rice
  2. 4 cups of water (960 milliliters)
  3. 100 milliliters of rice vinegar
  4. 2 dessert spoons of salt
  5. 2 dessert spoons of sugar
  6. 2 Eggs
  7. For the sushi filling
  8. 50 grams of Surimi or crab sticks
  9. 4 tablespoons of cream cheese
  10. 100 grams of anchovies

How to make Sushi without nori seaweed:

  • Before starting with the elaboration of this particular sushi recipe for dinner, we prepare before us the ingredients that we are going to need.
  • The first step will be to cook the sushi rice. First of all, we wash the rice well in cold water in a bowl so that it releases the starch and reaches the exact point of cooking. We did 5 water changes.
  • Then, drain the rice well and pour it over a casserole or pot, the important thing is that it has a lid. We cover it with twice as much water as rice and leave it on the fire for 13 minutes.
  • While the rice is cooking, prepare the sushi seasoning by mixing the rice vinegar with the sugar and salt. Make sure everything is well dissolved.
  • After those 13 minutes of cooking, we turn off the heat and let the rice rest another 10 minutes covered, always covered. If we had a steamer it would be better, but we managed with the usual utensils.
  • Once it has rested, we change the container rice. If you have a wooden dish, the better, because it cools before, but if not, do as we do: with a fan, we help the hardness of the dish to cool the rice while we pour the rice vinegar seasoning that makes the rice so special. Sushi
  • Help yourself to mix everything with a wooden palette, which helps the flavors to penetrate and cool faster.
  • Now, while the sushi rice cools, we make our original nori seaweed substitute: a hyper-flat French omelette that we cook for 2 minutes on a rectangular griddle. Round and round.
  • We chop the crab sticks with which we are going to fill our special sushi without nori seaweed or rather, our sushi with egg omelette.
  • At this point the rice will have the optimum temperature: neither too cold nor too hot. At both ends, handling is difficult.
  • We spread the rice on the mat and a transparent film so that the rice does not stick to it.
  • Tip: Important: when handling sushi rice, always keep your hands wet or everything will stick to your fingers.
  • Once we have spread the rice on the mat, we put the rest of the ingredients to form the sushi. Then, we place our nori seaweed-tortilla, and on it, at the beginning of the future sushi roll, the cream cheese, the crab sticks and the well-drained anchovies.
  • Use the photo in this step as a guide.
  • Gradually roll the sushi with the help of the mat and your fingers. Once completed, we stretch the transparent film, sprinkle the sesame seeds on the sushi roll and a little on the closest part of the film and press again so that the sesame sticks to the rice.
  • We place it on the serving plate and cut it into portions, moistening the cutting knife.
  • We accompany our sushi without nori seaweed with soy sauce and if you like it spicy, also with a little wasabi paste and enjoy! With these quantities we obtained 3 sushi rolls.

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