Sushi California Roll Recipe

Ingredients to make Sushi California roll:

  1. 1 cup of Sushi Rice
  2. 100 grams of fresh tuna
  3. 100 grams of fresh salmon
  4. ½ unit of Cucumber
  5. 3 sheets of nor seaweed
  6. 1 unit of Avocado
  7. 100 grams of cream cheese

How to make Sushi California roll:

  • The first step in preparing sushi is to cook the rice. The indications depend on the brand of this, so I recommend that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Normally, it is washed well to remove the starch and boiled with water until slightly soft, then mixed with special vinegar and a little sugar. If you have any doubts, take a look at the sushi rice recipe.
  • Separately, cut the fish into more or less thin strips. I recommend you use the part of the loin, wash it well and cut the pieces on the longest side of the salmon and tuna.
  • Do the same with the cucumber, remove the skin and cut long strips as seen in the photograph.
  • Trick: You can also include carrots or other vegetables of your choice
  • To cut the avocado, cut the fruit in two and make vertical cuts as seen in the photo. Then remove the pulp from the shell with the help of a spoon and you will have all the perfect strips.
  • With all the ingredients ready we will go on to assemble the California roll. To make the sushi, place a sheet of seaweed on a mat and a tablespoon of rice on top. Moisten your hands with water and stretch the rice until all the seaweed is covered, leaving a thin free edge.
  • Trick: There are special mats for sushi, you can use it made of wood or silicone. If you don’t have you can use a rag
  • Place the fish, vegetables and cream cheese under the seaweed half. To place the cream cheese, grab a portion with your hands and form a strip the same size as the fish.
  • Use your imagination and make the mixtures of ingredients that you like the most. Mine have been salmon with avocado and tuna with cucumber. Cream cheese is an optional ingredient, but it adds a really nice creamy touch to the California sushi roll.
  • To close the roll, make a first double and press well so that the tip of the seaweed sticks to the rice, as seen in the photograph.
  • Finish closing the roll, rolling and squeezing gently. At the end, moisten the free edge of the seaweed a little so that it sticks well. Make as many rolls as the ingredients reach you, in this recipe three have come out.
  • Once all the sushi rolls are finished, you can cut the pieces with a width of 2-3 centimeters. Cut them all, serve them on a flat plate and accompany the California sushi with a little soy sauce.

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