Sushi Burgers Recipe

Sushi is a classic Chinese dish that offers a delicious way to eat fish such as salmon. This type of fish is one of the richest in omega 3, essential for cardiovascular health. Usually, the preparation of sushi requires practice to achieve pieces that hold up with a good proportion of ingredients. In this case, we teach you how to prepare it in a very simple way and that you can enjoy in a matter of minutes.

On the other hand, in this country they replace the cutlery with sticks, which force us to reduce the bites and, therefore, the speed at which we eat. Did you know that this not only affects the amount we eat but also our digestion? That’s right, eating slowly allows our stomach to send the satiety signal to our brain earlier. In addition, slowly chewing small bites makes us incorporate less air when eating, reducing gastrointestinal symptoms. Read on to find out how to make sushi burgers, you’ll love them!

Ingredients to make Sushi Burgers:

  • 1 cup of long rice for sushi
  • 80 cubic centimeters of white or rice vinegar
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • 10 grams of salt
  • ½ avocado (avocado)
  • 200 grams of fresh or smoked salmon
  • 60 grams of cream cheese

How to make Sushi Burgers:

  1. Begin the sushi burger recipe by rinsing the rice under the tap until the water runs completely clear. You can help yourself with a strainer and your hands. Once this is achieved, cook the rice in boiling water for approximately 10 minutes.
  2. Strain the rice and arrange it in a glass container. Let it rest for 5 minutes while you dissolve the sugar and salt in the white vinegar. Pour this preparation over the rice and cover it so that it absorbs the liquid while it cools.
  3. To continue with the preparation, choose a mold of the size you want the sushi burgers to be. Cover it with plastic wrap and add a layer of the rice that you have previously prepared. Apply some pressure with a spoon so that this base is very compact.
  4. Tip: consider using a quarter of the amount of rice, since you will make another layer in this burger and the quantities will be enough to make 2 units.
  5. Distribute a layer of cream cheese over the rice.
  6. Add the avocado or avocado cut into slices. You can place the slices as shown in the image, from the edges to the center, so that when you unmold the sushi burger you can see each layer clearly.
  7. Fillet the salmon as thin as you like and arrange it on top of the avocado or avocado.
  8. Finally, spread the salmon with more cream cheese and add another layer of rice. Apply some pressure again to settle all the floors of your sushi patty.
  9. Close the film and reserve your sushi burgers in the fridge. You can chill them for 10 minutes in the freezer or about 20 minutes in the fridge.
  10. To unmold, open the plastic wrap, support the base of a plate on the mold where you have the sushi burger, turn it over and remove the mold while holding the film so that the burger remains on the plate. Remove the film and enjoy this sushi presented in an original way

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