Surimi Tostadas with Shrimp Recipe

When we talk about tostadas, we know that we are referring to an extremely versatile dish, since these can have a number of different recipes and preparations, yes, all of them with a particular and incredibly delicious flavor.

Now that we are going through the Easter holiday season, which implies fasting from red meat, we thought that a preparation based on delicious Mexican toast would be perfect.

So we wanted to bring you some delicious tostadas of surimi with shrimp perfect for this season since they are seafood and whose preparation is super simple, practical and delicious.

We invite you to stay with us and together we will prepare this exquisite seafood toast step by step that will surprise you.

Ingredients to make Tostadas de surimi with shrimp:

  • 6 Surimi bars
  • 3 cups cocktail shrimp
  • 2 pieces of Carrot
  • 1 piece of purple onion
  • 5 pieces of Lemon
  • 1 package of Toast
  • ½ cup of mayonnaise
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Avocado

How to make Tostadas de surimi with shrimp:

For the preparation of these delicious surimi toasts with shrimp in the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need, do not miss any details.  To start, we take the shrimp and clean them completely: for this, with the help of a knife, we slightly cut the upper part of the shrimp to be able to remove what is their digestive system, which is a small and thin line, sometimes dark in color, so remove it completely and clean the shrimp under running water. Now we slice the purple onion into thin slices and place it in a bowl along with the cleaned shrimp, then add the lemon juice and let them marinate in this liquid for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, we completely peel the carrots and cut them into small cubes about half a centimeter on each side. Once ready, we reserve it for a moment. On the other hand, we take the surimi bars and in the same way as the carrot, we finely chop them to the same size as the carrot. Once all the surimi for the shrimp toasts is ready, we reserve it for a moment. After the marinating time has elapsed. We take one of the Mexican tostadas and cover it with a light layer of mayonnaise, as shown in the following image.

And then we load our Mexican tostada with the chopped carrot, chopped surimi, red onion and marinated shrimp, and if you like you can also add some slices of avocado to your tostada. To accompany you can serve a simple salad of lettuce, red tomato, red onion and julienned carrot. Enjoy these delicious surimi toasts with shrimp!

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