Supplì Recipe: Italian Rice Croquettes

Rice croquettes stuffed with mozzarella cheese are part of traditional Italian cuisine, and their simple preparation and delicious flavor make them an irresistible dish. If you also want to learn how to prepare them to enjoy them whenever you want, we have the solution! Here are the steps to follow to discover how to make supplì, the typical Italian rice croquettes.

Ingredients to make Supplì: Italian Rice Croquettes:

  • 300 grams of Rice
  • 1 bottle of Bolognese sauce (about 150 g)
  • 100 grams of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 150 grams of Mozzarella cut into strips
  • Bread crumbs
  • 1 egg
  • 1 liter of oil for frying
  • 4 cups of beef broth

How to make Supplì: Italian Rice Croquettes:

The first thing we must do is prepare the Bolognese sauce if we have not bought it already made. To do this, we will use about 150 grams of minced beef or beef, a chopped onion, a clove of ground garlic, half a cup of tomato sauce, a pinch of salt, pepper and thyme (optional). Take a frying pan, sauté the onion until it turns transparent, add the ground meat and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat. Add the tomato sauce, salt, pepper and thyme.

Tip: To reduce the acid taste of the tomato, you can add a pinch of sugar.

When the sauce is ready, we add the rice and the meat broth to prepare a risotto and form the Italian croquettes with it. Stir and leave the preparation on the fire until the rice absorbs the liquid, dries and compacts. At this point, turn off the heat, add the Parmesan cheese, stir and add the beaten egg. Then, we pass the obtained dough to a bowl to start preparing the Italian supplì. Let stand for about 10 minutes to cool down. When the mixture is cold, take a little rice dough with your hands, shape it into an oval, place a strip of mozzarella in the center and, with another portion of dough, form the rice croquette stuffed with cheese. Then, we pass the croquette through beaten egg and breadcrumbs.  Repeat this step until the dough is finished. We will get about 15 croquettes of rice and mozzarella.

Once all the Italian rice croquettes are done, heat up a frying pan with the oil to fry. When hot, fry the supplìs, remove them and leave them on absorbent paper to remove excess oil.

Clever! We serve the Italian rice croquettes hot and accompanied by the sauce that we like the most.

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