Sugar Free Truffles Recipe

Do you want to taste the delicious flavor of truffles? This round-shaped dessert or candy, similar to the homonymous mushroom, is a very typical preparation in Spain. In general, it is a mixture of chocolate, dulce de leche or other ingredients with a high sugar content. That is why if you cannot eat with sugar, this time, together with this article, we will show you how to prepare truffles without sugar. In this way, people with diabetes or those who want to eat healthier can try them without any problem. These truffles only contain the sugar of the fruit that we use as a base, so it will not increase blood sugar as much.

If you want to know how to make truffles without sugar, do not miss this preparation of this article. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Truffles without sugar:

  • 100 grams of raisins
  • 50 grams of nuts
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons grated coconut
  • 1 tablespoon bitter cocoa

How to make Truffles without sugar:

  1. To start with this sugar-free truffle recipe, you must soak the raisins and nutsfor approximately 8 hours. Keep in mind that this time is not considered in the recipe, but you must take it into account.
  2. Tip: keep the fruits and nuts soaking in the fridge. Water, nutrients and ambient temperature create a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.
  3.  Therefore, if you refrigerate them, you will at least reduce one of the variables.
  4. Once that time has passed, drain them well and take them to a blenderor processor.
  5. Add cocoa and coconut oil. Next, process until you get a smooth mixture.
  6. Take the preparation to a container where you can stretch in a thin layer. Refrigerate in the fridge for 20-30 minutes or in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  7.  This way, the coconut oil will solidify and it will be easier to maneuver the preparation to assemble the sugar-free chocolate truffles.
  8. When the preparation is cold, take a tablespoon and, with the help of your hands, form balls of equal size.
  9. Coat them with the grated coconut and present the mon the plate or tray that you like best.

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