Sugar Free Meringue Recipe

This sugar-free meringue recipe can be eaten with many desserts, from flans and biscuits to fruit and soufflés, yes, making sure they are equally light. Despite not having sugar, we must emphasize that it is a meringue that has nothing to envy to traditional meringues made with this ingredient. In addition to being delicious, it is a healthy meringue that is also suitable for diabetics, so that everyone can enjoy it.

To make this meringue we have used stevia, however, any other type of sweetener can be used. Stay in this article and discover with us how to make meringue without sugar, its incredible flavor and texture will surprise you!

Ingredients to make Meringue without sugar:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tablespoon of stevia
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Sugar Free Meringue:

  1. Take two L-size eggs and carefully separate the whites from the yolks, avoiding any remaining yolk in the whites so that they can be assembled smoothly.
  2. Reserve the yolks covered with film in the fridge for no more than two days if possible.
  3. You can use them to make carbonara sauce without cream or to make coconut yolks.
  4. Beat the egg whites with an electric whisk, first, at a gentle speed. When they take shape, add a pinch of salt.
  5. Continue beating, increasing its speed successively and add a full tablespoon of stevia.
  6.  Little by little and with patience they will mount the egg whites and form the famous picos de gallo, which indicate that the sugar-free meringue will be ready.
  7. Tip: The amount of sweetener is to taste, as is the type of sweetener used.
  8. You can put the already prepared meringue in a pastry bag, form some sighs and bake them.
  9. This is an ideal healthy meringueto decorate a cake, to fill it or to prepare cupcakes for diabetics. Likewise, it is perfect to accompany a sugar-free flan or any other light dessert

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