Sugar-free marinated salmon recipe

To prepare marinated salmon it is necessary to use some type of sugar to compensate for the amount of salt. To do this, we can choose common sugar, or opt for other healthier types, such as brown sugar or coconut sugar. We have opted for coconut sugar, much healthier, natural and nutritious than white, unrefined sugar, rich in antioxidants and minerals. Keep reading and discover how to make marinated salmon without white sugar.

Ingredients to make Marinated Salmon without sugar:

  • 2 fresh salmon fillets
  • 60 grams of coarse salt
  • 60 grams of coconut or brown sugar
  • 60 grams of aromatic herbs (oregano, thyme, rosemary, dill)

How to make Marinated Salmon without sugar:

  1. First of all, we have frozen the salmon and defrosted it in advance. However, this step is optional, since if you are sure that the fish is of quality and it is not necessary to freeze it, you can make the recipe for marinated salmon without sugar by skipping this step.
  2. First, we mix all the marinade ingredients. It should be noted that, depending on the size of the salmon loins, we may need to increase the quantities.
  3. Trick: The aromatic herbs are to taste, so they can be modified without problem.
  4. We take a container and cover the fish with the previous mixture completely. If when doing this we see that the salmon is not well covered, we prepare more amount of marinade, always adding the ingredients in equal parts.
  5. Cover the container with plastic wrap and reserve the marinated salmon without sugar in the refrigerator for at least 48 hours.
  6. After time, we clean the salmon well to remove the crust of salt, herbs and coconut sugar or brown sugar that has formed.
  7. Cut the unsweetened marinated salmon into thin slices and serve as desired. As a recommendation, with lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil it is spectacular. In this way we can serve it as a salmon Carpaccio, with Parmesan cheese on top, or make toast with salmon. Good appetite!

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