Sugar-free apple pie recipe

If you want to treat yourself without sugar, with natural fruit and suitable for diabetics, in this article we have this delicious sugar-free apple pie for you. The contribution of sweetness is going to be given by the fruit itself, so it is a much healthier cake. If you are diabetic, you must take into account the caloric percentage of this cake, since bananas are among its ingredients, so it should be an occasional dessert. If you don’t have any problem with sugar, but you want to reduce its consumption and treat yourself to a sweet treat, this is undoubtedly your cake.

Despite not having any added sugar, this cake has just the right amount of sweetness and we are sure you will love it. Let’s go with the ingredients and the step by step to know how to make light apple pie.

Ingredients to make Sugar Free Apple Pie:

  • 3 large apples
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 sweetened natural yogurt (125 ml)
  • 1 egg
  • 150 grams of pastry flour
  • 1 dessert spoon of Royal type chemical yeast (baking powder)

How to make Sugar Free Apple Pie:

  1. Core two of the apples and peel them.
  2. Cut into large cubes and put them in a pot on the fire with the cinnamon stick.
  3.  Once it boils, lower the heat a bit, cover the pot and cook for 20-30 minutes or until the apples are tender.
  4. Remove the cinnamon stick and puree the cooked apples. Let cool down a bit.
  5.  You can also use an industrial apple puree or compote and save yourself these two steps, but look carefully at the ingredients that it is without sugar.
  6. Peel the banana and cut it into small pieces. With the help of a fork, mash the bananauntil it is almost a puree.
  7. Weigh 100 g of apple puree(this will be the amount you are going to use) and put it in a bowl with the mashed banana, the natural yogurt and the egg and mix well
  8. . As you can see, the fruit mix already provides the degree of sweetness that this sugar-free apple pie needs, especially if you use ripe bananas.
  9. Mix the flour with the yeast and sift both ingredients directly on top of the applesauce-banana-yoghurt mixture.
  10. Integrate well until you get a homogeneous mass. If you follow a diet to lose weight, we advise you to use whole wheat flour.
  11. Tip: Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  12. Grease a round moldabout 18 cm in diameter with butter or release spray and pour the unsweetened apple pie batter into it.
  13. Wash the other apple that you had reserved well and dry it. Heart it and cut it in half.
  14. Cut it into wedges and put them on the surface of the cake.
  15. If you prefer to make your sugar-free apple pie with a puff pastry base, spread out a sheet of this dough and cover the bottom and sides of the mold with it.
  16. Then, pour the apple mixture on top. You can make your own Puff Pastry with this recipe.
  17. Bake the sugar-free apple pie at 180 ºC with heat up and down for 30 minutes or until when pierced with a tooth pik, it comes out with no remains of dough.
  18. Let cool and serve. If you have leftover cake, reserve it in the fridge wrapped in plastic wrap. As you can see, it is a healthy and delicious apple pie, perfect for a snack or breakfast.

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