Sugar-free apple compote recipe

The apple is one of the most beneficial fruits for health. In addition to being digestive, it has few calories, so it is a great ally when it comes to losing weight. A great way to use it is to make a compote with it, as it continues to preserve all its properties despite being cooked. The compote that we propose does not contain sugar, so we have flavored it with cinnamon, which is also a great ally for people with diabetes.

Sugar-free apple compote is ideal to accompany meat dishes, to eat as a snack, as an accompaniment to yoghurts, as tartlet fillings and even as ingredients to make biscuits and other types of desserts. Therefore, do not hesitate, you have all the valid reasons to prepare it and in this article we will tell you the whole process to know how to make easy and delicious sugar-free applesauce.

Ingredients to make Applesauce without sugar:

  • 1 kilogram of apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 cinnamon sticks

How to make Sugar Free Applesauce:

  1. Wash the apples, core them and peel them.
  2.  We take this opportunity to comment that this sugar-free apple compote recipe is suitable for babies and diabetics, as long as they take into account the amount of natural sugar in the fruit.
  3. Cut them in halfand in turn into not very large squares.
  4. Put the apple pieces in a large pot.
  5. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and add it also along with two cinnamon sticks.
  6. Stir with a spoon and put the pot on high heat. When it starts to boil, reduce the heat to medium, cover the preparation with a lid and cook the unsweetened applesauce for 30 to 40 minutes or until the apples are tender.
  7. Tip: You can flavor the apple compote with vanilla extract as well.
  8. Remove the cinnamon sticks.
  9. You can leave your compote like this if you like it chunky or mash it with a fork if you like it to have thicker chunks of apple, but a crushed part.
  10. And if you like it with a finer texture, grind it with an electric mixer.
  11. Let it cool down to room temperature and keep it in the fridge. Since it does not contain sugar, consume it within three days.
  12.  Remember that you can use this recipe for sugar-free apple compote both to make desserts and to accompany savory dishes.


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