Stuffed Soy Milanese Recipe

we already have a few soy recipes for vegetarians that are a delight, such as the famous soy Milanese’s, but this time, Covina con Luz Verde, brings us an exquisite variation, the stuffed soy Milanese’s.

Keep reading and find out the step by step of this recipe that will surely become your favorite. Do not be scared by the procedure, it takes some time but they are easy to make and the result, a delicious and juicy stuffed soy Milanese, is worth it.

Ingredients to make Stuffed Soy Milanese:

  • soybean dough
  • 1 cup soy flour
  • ½ cup whole wheat flour
  • ½ cup gluten powder
  • 1 pinch of dried herbs (optional)
  • Water
  • Filling
  • 1 jet of olive oil
  • 1 onion bulb
  • ½ unit of red pepper
  • 1 Leek (white part)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 sprig of Parsley
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 pinch of thyme
  • Mounting
  • 1 cup of breadcrumbs
  • oil for frying

How to make Stuffed Soy Milanese:

1.To make the soy dough, place all the dry ingredients in a large enough bowl and add water until you form compact and slightly sticky dough.

Stretch the dough on the work surface, previously floured, until it is 1-2 millimeters thick and cut the pieces in the way you want the stuffed soy Milanese’s to be.

2.To make the filling, finely chop all the ingredients on the list (except the garlic and parsley) and make a sauce with them. When the vegetables are done, add the garlic and parsley to the pan and cook for half a minute more. Season with salt, pepper and thyme.

3.With the dough and the filling ready, we will go on to assemble the soy Milanese’s. Place a good portion of filling half of the pieces of dough and cover with the other pieces. Seal the edges well by pressing and reserve.

It is not necessary to moisten the edges as in other types of preparations, since this soy dough is sealed perfectly with just the pressure.

4.Take the stuffed fillets to a pot with plenty of salted water and cook to a boil as if it were cooking spaghetti. Cook until the fillets rise to the top and then leave in the pot for another minute and remove.

It is important that you cook the stuffed Milanese’s little by little, making sure that they do not stick together during cooking.

5.Freshly removed from the pot, and still wet, pass the soy Milanese’s through a plate with breadcrumbs and cover well on all sides. Squeeze a little so that the bread sticks well to the dough.

6.To finish this delicious recipe with soy, all that remains is to fry the stuffed maleness in oil, at a moderate temperature, until they are golden brown. Reserve on absorbent paper to remove excess oil and that’s it.

7.Enjoy the stuffed soy Milanese’s and serve with a little salad.

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