Stuffed chard stalks recipe

We are going to prepare some stuffed chard stalks, a delicious recipe with ham and cheese that will please even the little ones. These stuffed leaves are a good way to eat vegetables, especially for children. Sometimes we have to make recipes where vegetables are hidden so that those people who tend to reject them can also enjoy the benefits of these foods. Well, this is one of those recipes thanks to the incredible and simple filling that we will make with ham and cheese.

Chard is rich in vitamins and minerals, can be cooked in many ways and even added to a salad. But if you are looking for slightly different alternatives, this is what you need! In this article we teach you how to make chard stalks stuffed with ham and cheese, a simple dish to prepare, cheap and that the whole family will like. Ideal as a starter, accompaniment or dinner.

Ingredients to make stuffed chard stalks:

  • 1 bunch of Swiss chard with the wide stem
  • 1 package of York ham
  • 1 package of sliced ​​cheese
  • 150 grams of flour
  • 1 eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 glass of olive oil

How to make stuffed chard stalks:

Cut the stems of the chard leaves and clean them, removing all the threads. Put a saucepan with water and salt to heat and, when it starts to boil, add the chard leaves and let them cook for about 15 minutes or until they look tender. Depending on the thickness, they may take a little longer. When they are cooked, take them out, drain them, put them on a plate and let them cool.

Stretch the cooked pencas on the kitchen board and cut the stems into equal pieces. To fill the chard leaves, put a piece of ham and a piece of cheese on each piece of leave and cover with another piece of leave. Repeat this step until you have all the pieces ready.

Tip: another totally valid option is to make chard stalks stuffed with shrimp, bacon or even meat. For these cases, it is preferable to cook the stuffing beforehand, sautéed, baked or boiled.

Heat a pan over medium heat with a glass of olive oil or enough to cover 2-3 fingers. While the oil is heating, coat the stuffed chard stalks. To do this, in a bowl beat the eggs and in another put the flour. Carefully take each stuffed penca and pass it first through flour and then through egg.

When the oil is hot, fry the stuffed leaves taking care not to deform them when adding them to the pan. Flip them over so they cook on both sides. You don’t have to leave them long, just brown them because they are already cooked inside.

Tip: you can also cook the stuffed chard stalks in the oven at 180ºC for 20 minutes, turning them halfway through cooking.

Remove the leaves and leave them on a plate with kitchen paper so that they release all the excess oil.

And they are ready to serve! Serve these delicious chard stalks stuffed with ham and cheese hot so that the cheese is well melted and soft.

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