Strawberry trifle recipe

The trifle is a dessert that is served in transparent containers, these allow to appreciate the layers of the trifle, textures and ingredients that make it up. And like many other recipes, the strawberry trifle probably arose to take advantage of the remains of cakes, cookies, creams and fruits. This dessert can be presented in jars of jam, yogurt, glasses or even glasses for a more formal occasion. At the end of the recipe you will find many more options to make the preparation that best suits your taste.

Do you wonder how to make strawberry trifle? Well, in this article we teach you how to make this dessert with chocolate cream and oatmeal cookies. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Strawberry Trifle:

  • 100 grams of strawberries
  • 100 cubic centimeters of skimmed, vegetable or lactose-free milk
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch (corn starch)
  • 1 tablespoon bitter cocoa
  • 3 granola cookies
  • vanilla
  • sweetener

How to make Strawberry Trifle:

  1. To start preparing the strawberry trifle recipe, you must first prepare the granola cookies. This simple recipe can be found on our website.
  2. Separate the preparation into 3 equal parts to make this dessert.
  3. While your granola cookies are cooking, dissolve the cornstarch and cocoa in the cold milk. And if you are vegan, you can use vegetable drink.
  4. And, if you are lactose intolerant, you can replace it with lactose-free milk or you can also use a vegetable drink.
  5. Bring the milk, starch and cocoa mixture to a burner over medium heat.
  6.  Stir constantly until thick. We point out that cooking the cornstarch will take about 3 minutes.
  7. When the estimated time has passed, remove it from the heat and let it cool in a large container. Once cold, season it with the essence of vanilla and sweetener to taste.
  8. Tip: if you don’t like the sweetener, you can replace it with sugar. Try to avoid sugar if you are diabetic or overweight.
  9. As the last step of the mise en place, clean the strawberries, remove the leaves and cut them in half.
  10. Begin to assemble the fruit trifle by adding the granola cookies into small pieces at the base of the containers.
  11. Trick:reserve some of the cookies to decorate the trifle.
  12. Cover them with the strawberries cut in the middle. Arrange them on the sides and with the center towards the walls of the container to achieve a beautiful decoration.
  13.  Add 1 strawberry lying flat in the center to complete this layer. The strawberry trifle is almost here!
  14. In turn, cover the strawberries with the chocolate chuño.
  15. Decorate your layered trifle with the bits of cookies that you have reserved and some cubes of strawberries.
  16. Enjoy this delicious dessert and tell us in the comments what you think of this easy trifle recipe.
  17. Tip: we recommend that you cool the trifle for 15-20 minutes before eating it.

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