Strawberry Panna Cotta Recipe

We are going to prepare a recipe for strawberry panna cotta or strawberry panna cotta, a dessert that is very appetizing in hot weather and strawberries and that, in addition, is simple, does not need an oven and is quick to prepare.

The strawberry season is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of them and prepare desserts and sweets with them, since they also help us to combat the heat, as is the case with this preparation that we bring you in this article.

Panna cotta is an Italian dessert that means cooked cream. The base of this dessert is cream, which can be accompanied by fruits, chocolate, jams. It is very good and soft, it is not heavy at all, so it is also ideal to end a meal. You fancy? Don’t waste any more time and discover how to make easy strawberry panna cotta with these simple steps and with a beautiful presentation.

Ingredients to make Strawberry Panna Cotta:

  • 200 milliliters of liquid cream to mount
  • 250 grams of strawberries
  • 4 sheets of gelatin leaves
  • 100 grams of sugar (½ cup)

How to make Strawberry Panna Cotta:

  1. Prepare a wide bowl with water, add the gelatin leaves in cold water.
  2.  We will have them for the time indicated by the manufacturer, about 10 minutes.
  3. On the other hand, we will put the cream and sugar in a saucepan to heat over low heat, we will go around so that the sugar dissolves. When it’s off, we book
  4. We wash the strawberries, we remove the part of the green leaf, and we chop them. We left some to accompany dessert.
  5. We put them in a blender glass and crush them. If necessary, you can add a few tablespoons of milk to make it easier to crush them.
  6. Once crushed, the strawberry cream can be passed through a strainer so that it is finer and we do not find the seeds they contain.
  7.  It is better that the strawberries are a little ripe but whole, so they will be sweeter and give more flavor to the panna cotta.
  8. Drain the gelatin sheets well, add them little by little to the hot cream, stirring until they have dissolved well.
  9. Then, we add the strawberries that we have crushed, we are adding them little by little and mixing very well.
  10. We will put the strawberry cream in small glasses or in molds to serve.
  11.  We put the molds in the fridge, we will have them for about 3-4 hours or from one day to the next, so it will take on more flavor.
  12. When we go to serve them, we can unmold them or serve them in the same mold.
  13.  We can serve the strawberry panna cotta accompanying the cream with some strawberries or pieces of other varied fruits.
  14. It also works well to put some mint leaves and you can serve the strawberry panna cotta in a glass if you prefer.
  15. If we want to serve the panna cotta on plates so that it is not difficult to unmold it, we can spread the glass with a little butter before adding the cream.

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