Strawberry jam recipe without sugar

Sugar-free strawberry jam is a simple and quick preparation to prepare, an ideal recipe for healthy breakfasts and for people who cannot eat sugar. Also, as you well know, the strawberry season is not very long, therefore, if you like them, it is best to take advantage of when they are cheaper and thus make different jars. Do you think it is a good idea?

In this article we teach you how to make sugar-free strawberry jam, a totally exquisite preparation.

Ingredients to make Sugar Free Strawberry Jam:

  • 500 grams of ripe strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons Agave or Stevia syrup
  • 1 small glass of water

How to make Sugar Free Strawberry Jam:

  1. To get started with the sugar-free homemade strawberry jam recipe, you must first clean the strawberries, wash them and remove the stems and green leaves.
  2. Cut the strawberries into small pieces and place them in a casserole.
  3. Add the lemon juice, agave syrup and 100 ml. of water. We point out that if the strawberries are very ripe, they will need less agave, it will depend on how you like it.
  4. Also, if you wish, when the jam is ready, you can add more agave or another sweetener to taste.
  5. Place the casserole over medium heat and let it cook for 30-40 minutes, stir and make sure it doesn’t stick. On the contrary, if you notice that it is very dry, you should add more water.
  6. After 30 minutes, the strawberries will be quite done, however, if you notice that they are still not there, you should leave them a little longer.
  7. Next, with a blender or with a device to crush the potatoes, crush the strawberries and this way you will have a more consistent sugar-free jam. However, if you like finding pieces, you can leave it as is.
  8. Let cool, when it cools it will have a thicker texture.
  9. Tip: if it is too runny, you can add some gelatin sheets.
  10. When you have the perfect strawberry jam, let it cool well and add it to glass jars to keep it for several days.
  11. Close the jars tightly and reserve in the fridge. You should know that this light jam does not last as long as those that contain sugar, since sugar acts as a preservative and lasts longer, so it is better to vacuum pack it or freeze it.
  12. Ready! Tell us in the comments your opinion and share with us a photograph of the final result.
  13. Tip: with the amount of the recipe we can make a small jar, however, if we want to take advantage of the strawberry season and make more, it is best to reserve in airtight jars or freeze for the whole year

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