Strawberry and Beetroot Salmorejo Recipe

Salmorejo is a kind of cream similar to gazpacho, a traditional dish of Spanish gastronomy that is usually eaten in summer to cool off and eat something cool during high temperatures. This starter can be prepared with different ingredients but this time we have prepared an extremely simple and very practical strawberry and beet salmorejo.

Another advantage of preparing beet and strawberry salmorejo is that it is a very economical dish.

Ingredients to make Strawberry and Beetroot Salmorejo:

  1. For the brine:
  2. 200 grams of cooked beetroot
  3. 250 grams of Strawberry
  4. 400 grams of tomato
  5. 60 milliliters of olive oil
  6. 1 clove garlic
  7. 80 grams of loaf breadcrumbs (if it is from the previous day better)
  8. 1 tablespoon of Vinegar
  9. 1 teaspoon salt
  10. For the cream cheese:
  11. 100 milliliters of milk cream (½ cup)
  12. 50 grams of goat cheese
  13. 1 teaspoon of unsalted butter
  14. 1 pinch of salt
  15. 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Strawberry and Beetroot Salmorejo:

  • Before starting, we show you the necessary ingredients for the preparation of this rich, easy and practical strawberry and beetroot salmorejo.
  • We wash and disinfect the strawberries as well as the tomatoes and cut them into small pieces, and in the same way we cut the beets for easy crushing.
  • We put the strawberries, the tomato, the beet and the garlic clove in the blender and we started to crush all the ingredients.
  • We stop the blender and add the stale breadcrumbs, the vinegar and the salt to the previous ingredients and blend again until we obtain a homogeneous lump-free mixture.
  • With the blender running, add the olive oil little by little in the form of threads to the mixture until a fine and homogeneous emulsion is achieved, and then we reserve the beet and strawberry salmorejo for a few minutes in the refrigerator until serving time.
  • On the other hand, to make the cream cheese, put a deep pot over low heat and add the butter, cheese, cream, salt and pepper, and incorporate all the ingredients, whisking slowly until you get a creamy and slightly thick mixture. Remove and reserve to serve.
  • Finally, remove the beetroot salmorejo from the refrigerator, add some cream cheese and some chopped strawberries and enjoy a delicious and fresh strawberry and beetroot salmorejo! Bon Appetite.

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