Stone cocktail

Ingredients to make Stone Cocktail:

  • 1 glass of tequila
  • 1 glass of sweet anise
  • 1 glass of Fernet Branca
  • 1 small bottle of mineral water

How to make Stone Cocktail:

  1. Making the stone cocktail is very simple. Take a cocktail glass, bottle or any other container, and mix the anise with the tequila inside.
  2. Then add the Fernet Branca and keep mixing. Optionally, you can add one or two drops of Angostura to the recipe.
  3. Now add the bottle of mineral water and keep stirring until all the ingredients of the stone cocktail are fully integrated.
  4. When you have it, serve the Mexican cocktail and see if it really is an effective home remedy to combat a hangover. We await your comment!
  5. Tip:You can add a couple of ice cubes when serving the cocktail.

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