Stewed Chicken Gizzards Recipe

You may not be aware of the versatility of chicken gizzards, as well as their delicious flavor. It is not a common ingredient in many kitchens, but this time, we will prepare a recipe for stewed chicken gizzards that will make you consider them in the future, if you do not already use them.

In this way, the next time you go to the butcher and see that they discard them, you will ask them to save them to take them with you. Discover how to make stewed chicken gizzards in a delicious vegetable sauce, perfect for a meal with rice, potatoes or other side dishes. Go for it!

Ingredients to make Stewed Chicken Gizzards:

  • 500 grams of clean chicken gizzards
  • 1 leek
  • 1 glass of chicken broth
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 ripe tomato
  • 1 unit of orange juice
  • 1 piece of red pepper
  • 2 pinches of ginger
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons of soy
  • 1 splash of sunflower oil
  • 2 bay leaves

How to make Stewed Chicken Gizzards:

  1. Prepare the vegetables, wash them and cut them into not too small pieces, it will be much better if you cut them into strips. Remove the seeds from the tomato and cut it, if the skin is thin you will not have to peel it. Squeeze an orange and prepare the chicken broth with a concentrated bouillon cube mixed with water. If you want to prepare a homemade chicken broth, just follow the steps that we indicate in the link.
  2. Clean the gizzards if necessary, in our case we already have them clean. Put oil in a deep saucepan or frying pan and fry the gizzards for 4 minutes just to seal them. Then take them out and reserve.
  3. In the same pan as the gizzards, sauté the carrot and the pepper for 3 minutes and, when they are not done yet, add the leek and the tomato, as these brown faster. Leave for 3 more minutes.
  4. Once you have everything sautéed, add the broth and the orange juice, stir and let it begin to boil for 1 minute until the flavors are integrated. Try to stir without the vegetables falling apart.
  5. Add soy, ginger and pepper. Stir and wait until it boils again, you will begin to notice the delicious aromas of your chicken gizzard stew.
  6. Integrate the chicken gizzards with the stew. Add some bay leaves, cover and let it simmer for about 30 minutes.
  7. Serve the stewed chicken gizzards accompanied by bread to dip in the sauce. You can also accompany it with a salad of radishes and avocado. Enjoy!

Stewed chicken gizzards – History and other recipes

Gizzards are cooked in multiple ways; there are lamb, pork, beef and chicken. In the past, they were cooked to make the most of each part of the animal, but today they are more appreciated and are part of the menus of many restaurants around the world.

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