Steamed salmon with vegetables and cream

Salmon is a type of fish commonly found in the cold waters of the European continent. It is popular for its high omega 3 content, especially useful for the brain, since, in particular, it keeps our memory active and fresh. In addition, it is a protein of high biological value, which means that our body can use it immediately after being metabolized.

With these ingredients as the main ingredient, we can prepare an infinite number of exquisite dishes, worthy of any 5-star restaurant. So, so that you can surprise everyone at home, we bring you a delicious recipe for steamed salmon with vegetables, a dish that, in addition to being healthy, will be seasoned with a delicious cream. Everything will be very easy to prepare and you will leave everyone with their mouths open, so we invite you to stay with us and together we will prepare this fantastic recipe step by step.

Ingredients to make Steamed Salmon with vegetables and cream:

  • 400 grams of Salmon in pieces
  • 1 cup of Cream
  • ¼ piece of onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 cups of Broccoli
  • 2 pieces of Carrot
  • 2 pieces of potatoes
  • 2 pieces of Pumpkin
  • 1 teaspoon of chicken bouillon powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ½ cup of whole milk

How to make Steamed salmon with vegetables and cream:

  1. In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare this exquisite salmon with vegetables and cream, do not miss any detail.
  2. To begin, we boil water in a saucepan and, inside the saucepan, place a steamer rack and make sure that the water inside does not exceed the rack. To the water we add a piece of onion and a pinch of salt.
  3. Meanwhile, we first take the carrots, wash them perfectly without peeling them and, once ready, slice them into slices about half a centimeter wide and place them inside the pan on the wire rack. On the sliced ​​carrots we place pieces of the butter, let them cook for two minutes before adding the other ingredients.
  4. On the other hand, now we take the potatoes, we wash them very well but we do not peel them. Thus, with everything, we cut them into slices approximately half a centimeter wide. After the two minutes of advantage that we gave the carrots, we placed the potato slices on them, and in the same way we placed little pieces of butter on the potato to steam the vegetables.
  5. We let the potato be steamed together with the carrot for 2 more minutes and, followed by, we placed the pieces of salmon on the potatoes, to which we must first add a pinch of salt on the surface and we also placed pieces of butter.
  6. Immediately we place the pumpkin, perfectly washed and sliced ​​into slices half a centimeter wide, and on top of this we add the perfectly cleaned pieces of broccoli. In the same way as we did before, we place pieces of butter and let the salmon steam with vegetables for approximately 7 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, in the blender we place the cream together with the milk, the remaining onion, the garlic, the chicken bouillon powder and a pinch of salt, and blend until obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
  8. Pour the mixture into a pan with a piece of melted butter and let it cook for two minutes, stirring constantly to prevent the sauce that will accompany the salmon from burning. After this time we removed from the heat and reserved.
  9. Once the 7 minutes of cooking the vegetables and fish have passed, we remove it from the heat and we can serve it hot. And ready! We serve the dish bathing the fish with the sauce we prepared and enjoy this delicious recipe for steamed salmon with vegetables and cream.

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