Steamed Cauliflower Recipe

Steamed cauliflower, a quick, simple and healthy dish, ideal for weight loss diets. Although cauliflower is a vegetable that little ones do not like very much, since, in general, it is very difficult for them to eat it, if we accompany it with some potatoes we have a much more appetizing dish and, therefore, it may be easier to get consume this beneficial food. In addition, at the end of cooking we can always sprinkle a little grated cheese.

Cauliflower can be cooked in many ways, but the most popular cooking methods are usually steamed or cooked in boiling water. This time we are going to prepare steamed cauliflower, since it is a very healthy way of eating this food and we manage to keep almost all its nutrients intact. Read on and discover how to cook steamed cauliflower.

Ingredients to make Steamed Cauliflower:

  • 1 cauliflower
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 splash of olive oil

How to make Steamed Cauliflower:

We prepare the ingredients to start cooking the steamed cauliflower. To do this, wash the cauliflower well and separate it into florets. In a steamer, put the cauliflower florets.

Peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces so that they cook at the same time as the cauliflower, since it cooks quickly.

Cover and let the cauliflower steam for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces. Prick to see if the cauliflower and potato are tender and remove.

We serve the recipe for steamed cauliflower with potatoes in a bowl with a little salt and a splash of olive oil. And if you are wondering how to season steamed cauliflower, in addition to these ingredients you can opt for black pepper, thyme, rosemary or paprika, since steamed cauliflower with paprika is a delight.

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