Steak Tacos Recipe

The flank steak is a cut that comes from the internal muscle that controls the beef’s diaphragm. It is a type of cut that has a high degree of marbling, making it very tasty. At the same time, it is a meat rich in connective tissue, which gives it a fibrous consistency. At this article, we will provide you with a recipe to marinate and prepare a smooth flank steak that you can enjoy in tacos.

Ingredients to make Tacos de archer:

  • 1 piece of flank steak
  • 125 milliliters of olive oil
  • 125 milliliters of soy sauce
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 pieces of Lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 500 grams of onion
  • 1 kilogram of corn tortillas

How to make Steak Tacos:

  1. The first thing is to collect all the ingredients for these Mexican tacos. From the day before, we must prepare the recipe to marinate and leave the flank steak overnight in the fridge.
  2. We take a medium onion and cut it into medium pieces. Grind the pepper and garlic separately. In a container place the oil, soy sauce, ground pepper, lemon juice, ground garlic and chopped onion. We mix perfectly.
  3. Place the flank steak in a container and pour the sauce over it to marinate it. Cover and let it rest in the fridge overnight before consumption. Trick: You have to marinate for at least eight hours.
  4. To roast the flank steak on the griddle or grill, we cut an onion in half and we are going to carve the surface of the grill with it. When it is very hot, place the flank steak. We are going to cut the flank piece into long slices.
  5. Once roasted, we cut the flank steak crosswise, in this way it will be soft and juicy.
  6. On the same grill, while we cut the meat we heat the corn tortillas to form the Mexican tacos.
  7. We fold the tortillas and serve the flank steak tacos accompanied by grilled onions and green or red sauce of our choice.

Tricks for cooking flank steak tacos

For the meat to be juicy, it is advisable to roast it in long sections and then cut it crosswise.

If we like the meat to be well cooked, we return the flank steak already cut into strips to the grill and roast it until it is to taste.


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