Steak and Shrimp Skewers Recipe

In any type of cuisine, meat is an element that gives a special touch to our dishes, whether it is beef, pork, chicken or fish, they all have an unmistakable and delicious flavor, but how about finding some of these flavors? Together in the same dish to pamper your palate? Join us at and we will surprise you with some delicious flank steak and shrimp skewers accompanied by fresh vegetables and a touch of chistorra that you will love. If you don’t know how to make shrimp and steak skewers, this is your recipe!

Ingredients to make flank steak and shrimp skewers:

  • 150 grams of flank steak
  • 100 grams of Chistorra
  • 100 grams of shrimp
  • 1 piece of onion
  • 3 pieces of Lemon
  • 1 piece of yellow pepper
  • 1 piece of green pepper
  • 1 piece of orange pepper
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tablespoon whole black pepper
  • ½ tablespoon cumin
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Steak and Shrimp Skewers:

To make this recipe for steak and shrimp skewers, here are the ingredients. We are going to start by preparing a small dressing that will serve to marinate the shrimp and to varnish our steak and shrimp skewers, so that they have an even more delicious flavor. In the blender place the oil, lemon juice, cumin, whole pepper, salt, a piece of onion and garlic.  Then we proceed to liquefy. Once our dressing for the steak and shrimp skewers is ready, we introduce the perfectly clean shrimp into it in order to marinate. Meanwhile, cut the flank steak and chistorra into small pieces, and season the flank steak.

We also cut into pieces the vegetables that our flank steak and shrimp skewer will carry: the onion, the red, orange and green pepper. We take the skewers for skewers and varnish them with the dressing that we prepared at first.

Once they are ready, we place our meat, shrimp and vegetables little by little. This does not have a specific order, it is as everyone wants. Once all the ingredients are on the skewers for skewers, we take again the dressing that we prepared and varnish the flank steak and shrimp skewers with the help of a brush.

Now that we have our flank steak and shrimp skewers ready, we place them on the oven rack and place them in the oven at a temperature of 200°C for approximately 15 minutes.

After this time we take the flank steak and shrimp skewers out of the oven and that’s it!  We can begin to enjoy this delicious appetizer. You can accompany your shrimp and steak skewers with some stuffed potatoes if you wish. Enjoy!

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