Spring Salad Recipe

The artichoke is one of the star foods of spring and with this easy recipe we show you how to make the most of it by preparing a complete and original salad. Stuffed tomatoes with a mixture of chickpeas, artichokes and potatoes… a combination that you will surely love. Cheer up and discover the best spring salad.

Ingredients to make spring salad:

  • 4 units of Artichoke
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 unit of Lemon (juice)
  • 1 teaspoon of margarine
  • 2 units of Potato
  • 150 grams of cooked chicken peas
  • 1 dessert spoon of Mustard
  • 1 pinch of orange zest
  • 1 tablespoon of orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon of dietary yeast flakes
  • 1 jet of olive oil
  • 1 shot of Maggi Juice
  • 1 small glass of vegetable milk
  • 4 units of Tomato
  • 1 handful of black olives
  • ¼ unit of Romaine lettuce

How to make spring salad:

To make this delicious seasonal salad, the first step will be to work the artichokes. To do this, clean each piece, leaving only the most tender part (include the peeled stem). Boil water with a pinch of salt and lemon juice and prepare a separate bowl with cold water and ice cubes. Cut the artichokes into pieces of between 3-4 millimeters and spend 1 minute in the water when it breaks the boil. Pass through a place (reserve the water from this cooking) and submerge the artichokes in the cold water. This process has to be very fast.

When the artichokes have cooled, drain from the cold water and leave on absorbent paper.  Reserve.

Recover the cooking water from the artichokes, add the margarine and cook the potatoes, previously cut into cubes, until they are tender. Next, mix the potatoes with the artichokes, seasoning with a pinch of salt, pepper and marjoram. The other part of the special spring salad will be some stuffed tomatoes. To prepare them, the first step is to make a puree with the cooked chickpeas, previously washed and drained. It is advisable to use a food mill to discard the skin of the chickpeas.

Mix the purée with the mustard, the orange zest and juice, the yeast flakes and the oil and the Maggi sauce. Mix until you get a smooth and uniform puree. If necessary, lighten the preparation with a little vegetable milk. Season to taste.

To stuff the tomatoes, make a deep cross-shaped cut (with the tomatoes upside down) and separate the segments slightly to make room in the center. Place the chickpea filling inside each tomato with the help of a pastry bag. To serve the whole salad, place a base of lettuce on the plate, the stuffed tomatoes and the potato and artichoke mixture in the center.

Finish decorating the spring salad by adding the olives, parsley and a little more oil.  Accompany with homemade toasted bread and bon appetite!


If leftover chickpea filling can be served as a spread on toast or crackers.

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