Spongy pizza dough recipe with dry yeast

Who doesn’t like a good homemade pizza? Preparing the dough is not as complicated as it may seem and I assure you that this small effort is well worth it.  I share with you my recipe for pizza dough with dry baker’s yeast that gives very good results and you can prepare two pizzas with thin crust or one large one with a very thick and sponge dough. I like to flavor it with a touch of Provencal herbs that give it a subtle and very good flavor. I encourage you to get into flour and prepare your own fluffy pizza dough with dry yeast… you will surely repeat and put aside the industrial dough’s!

Ingredients to make Spongy Pizza Dough with Dry Yeast:

  • 500 grams of strength flour
  • 300 milliliters of water (1¼ cups)
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon Herbs de Provence
  • 1 envelope of baker’s dry yeast (7 grams)

How to make Fluffy Pizza Dough with Dry Yeast:

  1. To start preparing our pizza dough with dry baker’s yeast, we take a large bowl and sift the flour inside.
  2. We make a hole inside, giving it the shape of a volcano and carefully add the water, the oil, the Provencal herbs (you can substitute them for oregano or omit them) and the yeast.
  3. Tip: You can replace the dry yeast with 20 grams of fresh baker’s yeast. In that case add the warm water.
  4. We cover the liquids with part of the flour that we have around us, add a pinch of salt and let it rest for five minutes.
  5. Next, with very clean hands we begin to knead.
  6. At first it will seem that it will not come out and that everything sticks to our hands, but after a few minutes you will see how the pizza dough is soft, it is unstuck and it is acquiring an elastic texture.
  7. When the yeast pizza dough has the right consistency, we form a ball with it, and paint it with a few drops of oil.
  8. Put it in a large bowl and roll it so that it is well impregnated with the oil on all sides.
  9. Cover with a transparent plastic wrap that is in direct contact with the dough and cover the bowl with a clean cloth.
  10. To make it mild, we let it rest in a warm place in our house, away from drafts.
  11. Tip: I have ever baked pizza with bread dough without letting it rise and the result is not bad, although I advise waiting for the rise.
  12. When the homemade pizza dough has grown to double its initial volume, lightly flour the kitchen table or counter (very clean, of course), turn it over and degas, that is, gently hit it with your hands so that it lose air We knead for one or two minutes and we can now stretch the dough with the rolling pin (or throw it into the air if you dare) and prepare our favorite pizza.
  13. You can divide the fluffy pizza dough with dry yeast into two parts, put it in freezer bags, close them very well and freeze them.
  14. When you want it to prepare your homemade pizza to taste, all you have to do is take it out of the freezer in advance and let it thaw in the refrigerator.

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