Spinach Gnocchi Recipe

Gnocchi are small portions of dough made from cooked potatoes, traditional in Italian cuisine. Currently, there are many versions of the traditional recipe, such as this spinach gnocchi, a delight for the palate. Likewise, they are ideal for getting children to eat vegetables, since, without realizing it, they will enjoy a delicious dish and take advantage of the properties of this vegetable, such as its contribution of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

If you want to discover the step by step recipe for spinach gnocchi, keep reading and get down to work.

Ingredients to make spinach gnocchi:

  • 200 grams of frozen spinach
  • 350 grams of boiled potatoes
  • 100 grams of flour (the one that admits)
  • 40 grams of Parmesan cheese
  • 30 grams of butter

How to make spinach gnocchi:

Blend the spinach or chop it with a blender and a little water. Then, we pass the cooked potatoes through the potato masher to crush them.

Tip: We recommend that the potatoes are warm or cold to better work the spinach gnocchi dough.

We mix the spinach with the potatoes and begin to add the flour, little by little, until we obtain a dough that does not stick to our hands and is manageable.

Once the dough is made, we shape it into a cylinder of about 1 cm in diameter and cut blocks 1 cm long. These will be our homemade spinach gnocchi.

We pass each piece through the fork or something else with which we can give them the desired and traditional shape of a gnocchi.

We are putting all the spinach and potato gnocchi on a tray to which we will have sprinkled a little flour.

When we go to eat, we will put the gnocchi in a pan with plenty of boiling water and a little salt to cook them. We will remove the gnocchi that rise to the surface and put them in a bowl.

Once we have all done, we will pour the melted butter and grated Parmesan cheese on them and mix. Serve and enjoy! An easy, quick and delicious spinach gnocchi recipe. And if we remove the final cheese, the result is some delicious and very healthy light spinach gnocchi.

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