Spinach Empanadas and White Sauce Recipe

Spinach is a vegetable that provides large amounts of beta-carotene, these are transformed in our body into vitamin A, key for healthy skin and vision. It is also a source of potassium and iron, they are absorbed a little better by adding acids, such as lemon juice. Its combination with white sauce is a classic that is perfect both to accompany pasta and to cover pizzas and fillings, as we use in this dish to fill empanadas.

In this article we teach you how to make spinach and white sauce empanadas. Do not miss this rich and easy recipe, ideal for light lunches or practical food. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Empanadas with spinach and white sauce:

  1.  6 empanada disks
  2.  20 spinach leaves
  3.  1 onion
  4.  ½ cup of milk (120 milliliters)
  5.  1 teaspoon of nutmeg
  6.  ½ teaspoon pepper
  7.  1 tablespoon cornstarch

How to make Spinach and White Sauce Empanadas:

  • To start with the recipe for spinach and white sauce empanadas, first peel and chop the onion to sauté it in a pan with a teaspoon of oil. When it’s translucent, lower the heat to medium and, if necessary, add a tablespoon of hot water to clear it from the bottom. Repeat until caramelized.
  • Process the clean spinach leaves or chop them very small on a board with a knife.
  • Prepare a white sauce by dissolving cornstarch in cold milk and heating it 3 or 4 times in the microwave for 30 seconds. You can also make it in a pot over medium heat. Stir until thick.
  • Tip: if you want to make this lactose-free preparation, you can replace the milk with lactose-free or a vegetable drink.
  • Mix the white sauce with the processed spinach and the sautéed onion. Next, season to taste with the nutmeg and pepper. You can also incorporate other seasonings, such as Provencal, turmeric, ground chili or grated cheese. Keep in mind that it must be very tasty.
  • When the spinach and white sauce filling is cold or warm, fill the vegetable empanadas by wetting the edge of the middle of the disc and adding a tablespoon of the filling in the center. Before closing them, you can push the filling a little with a spoon so that they are well filled. Next, to close them, make a repulgue or a little pressure with the fork.
  • If you wish, you can make the dough for homemade empanadas, with oil instead of butter and with whole meal flour, so that they are just as healthy as the filling.
  • Place the empanadas in a previously greased roasting pan with the seam facing up. If you wish, you can paint them with beaten egg so that they are well browned.
  • Trick: you can also sprinkle a little grated cheese on top of the empanadas and make delicious spinach and cheese empanadas. You can also add seeds to provide a touch more crunch and flavor.
  • Cook the empanadas in a hot oven at 200ºC or 220ºC for about 15 or 20 minutes until they are golden. To eat! Tell us your opinion in the comments and share with us a photograph of the final result.

Nutritional information of spinach and white sauce empanadas

  • You should know that 1 portion of these Argentine spinach empanadas provide less than 300 calories, as long as you make the dough at home and with oil. In addition, by consuming these empanadas you will cover 35% of the daily fiber recommendation. However, you can increase it by incorporating vegetables, such as carrots, bell peppers or corn, into the filling. In addition, you can also accompany the empanadas with a fresh salad.

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