Spinach Arepas with Oats Recipe

Corn, oatmeal and spinach… Can you imagine a more nutritious trio at your table? Add a delicious filling with protein values. Incredible! This culinary marvel is called spinach arepas with oats.

This article brings you this delicious and nutritious recipe for oatmeal arepas to liven up your mornings and take care of your figure. Flavor? Unrivaled!

Even if you are the type of person who has prejudices about spinach or oatmeal, if you try this combination in Venezuelan arepas I am sure you will want to repeat. Dare to try!

Ingredients to make Spinach Arepas with Oatmeal:

  • 1 cup of corn flour (120 grams)
  • 1½ cups spinach
  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • ½ cup of warm water

How to make Spinach Arepas with Oatmeal:

Prepare your work table, place the ingredients in the indicated proportions. After you have everything in order, you can start making these green arepas with spinach. Wash the spinach very well. Fresh spinach bouquets usually bring a lot of sand, so it is advisable to be very careful. Trim the roots, separate the leaves and submerge in a large bowl of water. Stir carefully with your hands, then wait for the grime to settle to the bottom of the bowl. Pull out the leaves and discard the water. Repeat this process several times, until the water runs clear. To the last water you can add vinegar, baking soda or lemon for a safer cleaning.

If the spinach leaves you buy are pre-washed, it is advisable to give them a rinse with water to ensure their cleanliness. Then chop the spinach into very small pieces, preferably.

Trick: You can add a few drops of vinegar to the last water with which you clean the spinach. Let it sit for 10 minutes and discard that water.

Put the cornmeal, spinach and oatmeal in a bowl. Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mass. Oatmeal arepas, by themselves, provide many benefits to the body… imagine combined with spinach!

Tip: You can add, if you wish, flaxseed powder.

Form a ball with your hands and then divide it in two, as many arepas as you want to make, in this case it serves two. It also depends on the size in which you make the balls, more or less Venezuelan arepas can be produced. Once the dough is divided, form two more balls. Take each ball and make a puck. Place the green arepas with spinach in the pan, pre-heated in advance, and cook those 5 minutes on each side.

Once cooked, you can fill your spinach arepas with whatever oats you want. A nutritious treat! A worthy representative of Venezuelan arepas. I invite you to try this arepa with cottage cheese (ricotta or ricotta)… Simply delicious!

There are many options when cooking arepas, as you have been able to appreciate… What idea comes to your mind? Please, share with us your valuable opinion and a photo of your creation. How would you make this recipe? What padding would you put on it? Remember… cooking is pure imagination!

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