Spinach and Salmon Pie Recipe

If you don’t know how to make a spinach and salmon cake easily, don’t miss this step by step that we teach you. It is a spinach, salmon and cheese cake that you can prepare in a very simple and practical way and decorate it to your liking. In this case I have used cream cheese and caviar but feel free to do it with the ingredients that you like the most. Check out the steps and go ahead and try it out!

Ingredients to make Spinach and Salmon Pie:

  • 300 grams of spinach
  • 1 can of white asparagus
  • 200 grams of smoked salmon
  • 4 eggs
  • Sal
  • Cheese spread
  • Caviar (the substitute)
  • 200 milliliters of cream to cook
  • Pepper

How to make Salmon Spinach Pie:

Put the spinach in a microwave-safe container for 3 minutes, then put it in a colander and press it to expel all the water. We will put the asparagus on absorbent paper so that they absorb all the liquid.

We put the salted eggs, the spinach and the cooking cream in the blender glass, we grind everything.

In a mold lined with baking paper, put a third of the spinach mixture. We will place a few asparagus on top, we will put a second layer of spinach, again asparagus, and cover with the rest of the spinach, salmon and cheese cake mix.

Put the spinach and smoked salmon cake mixture in a larger container to add water and bake in a bain-marie at 180ºC for 50 minutes. Once it is cold and unmolded, we will put the slices of smoked salmon on top.

Spread the spinach and salmon cake with the cream cheese and decorate to taste with the caviar. Serve the spinach and salmon cake decorated.

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