Spinach and Parsley Arepas Recipe

There are many people who are detrimental to what is green when it comes to eating.  Enough of damage! I bring you a recipe that will demolish those myths. Green is divine! This article always ready to provide you with healthy, easy, cheap and above all…very tasty recipes! Today he presents you: spinach and parsley arepas.

These arepas have already been exposed to a non-green-loving public… my friends! And guess what…it passed the test! At first they wrinkled their faces but then not even an arepa was left.

Ingredients to make Spinach and Parsley Arepas:

For the arepas:

  • 1 cup of corn flour (120 grams)
  • 1 cup of spinach
  • 1 cup of parsley
  • ½ cup of warm water

For decoration:

  • 1 cup of chopped parsley
  • 1 sachet of Flaxseed seeds

How to make Spinach and Parsley Arepas:

Order the work table, and place everything washed, chopped and in the exact measurements. There are many spinach recipes but if you try this one you will repeat, many times. To work! On one side place the arepa ingredients. On the other, the elements to decorate (flaxseeds and chopped parsley). Blend spinach and parsley, reserve. Strain the liquid and only reserve the pasty mixture.

Tip: You can reserve the liquid and replace the half cup of water if you prefer.

Use a bowl, add the cornmeal, water and salt to taste. Knead until you achieve a homogeneous dough. Form as many balls of dough as spinach arepas you want to make. This recipe makes 2 large arepas.

Trick: Remember: if you use the water left over from the smoothie, do not use the water indicated in the ingredients.

Previously heat a frying pan or griddle. Form a disk with each ball of dough. Place the spinach and parsley arepas in the pan and cook on each side for 5 minutes.

Trick: If the pan is non-stick better. If not, brush with oil or butter.

If anyone has any doubts about how divine well-prepared and combined vegetables can be, give them a try of this exquisite spinach and parsley arepa. I already put it to the test!

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