Spätzle or spaetzle recipe

The späetzle or spaetzle are a form of pasta that is mainly accompanied with meats or consumed as a single dish with other ingredients. It is very popular pasta in Germany, specifically in the Swabian region, although it is also known in South American countries such as Argentina, where it is also known as German gnocchi.

The recipe is very simple and consists of flour, egg, salt and water. To prepare it, a special machine called a “spaetzlera” is used (it is a kind of press or also a special strainer) that allows you to make them uniform and more quickly. But if you don’t have it, you can easily make them using a board and a knife. Discover all the steps of its preparation and discover how to make spatzles at home

Ingredients to make Spätzle or spaetzle:

  • 600 grams of flour 0000
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • warm water

How to make Spätzle or spaetzle:

  1. Place the flour in a large bowl. In another bowl, lightly beat the egg with a pinch of salt.
  2. Place the beaten egg in the middle of the flour.
  3. Mix the flour with the eggand add lukewarm water until it forms a very soft, well-watered dough.
  4. Once you have the dough, put enough water in a pot to boil. When it is already boiling, lower the heat to a minimum and place the spaetzlera on top of the pot.
  5. Go pouring the dough on the spaetzleraand press well so that the pasta falls into the pot. Remove the machine from the pot and, when the spaetzle rise to the surface, remove them with a slotted spoon and set aside. Do it in batches.
  6. If you don’t have a spaetzlera, you can make the späetzle by placing the dough on a board next to the pot and using a knife, drop small portions of dough into the water
  7. The smaller the portions, the better the spaetzle will be.
  8. Once you have added all the spaetzles you can add a little oilso that they do not stick. They will be ready to serve!

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