Spanish summer meals

Spain is among the 10 best gastronomic destinations in the world, according to National Geographic, and it is very reasonable considering that its cuisine is of international stature.  In this country we find traditional recipes for any season of the year, however, in this article we will focus on talking about the best Spanish summer meals. A high level tasting!

Travel with us throughout the length and breadth of the Spanish territory and savor its name by cooking its delicious summer dishes in your home. So, if you come from those lands, you may surprise yourself by discovering a recipe that you did not know or rediscovering others, on the other hand, if you are just a lover of their culture and cuisine, you will be much more hooked! What are you waiting for? Replace the suitcases with the apron and the casserole so you can try one of the most inspiring foods in the world.

Andalusia gazpacho

When the heat hits, nothing like a good gazpacho, the main protagonist of Spanish summer meals. This recipe is similar to a very light tomato soup or cream, but it is eaten cold and served with croutons or pieces of ham on top.

There are many versions of this recipe, even with fruit, but in all of them the star ingredient is the tomato. In addition, the original recipe usually contains: green pepper, onion, cucumber, olive oil, vinegar and white wine. Taste this dish as a starter or dinner following our Andalusia gazpacho step by step. Pure tradition!

Seafood salad

Seafood silicon is considered a star dish in Spanish summer recipes made with seafood.  However, today we also find versions made with meat, vegetables or fruit.

This food has a lot of history. It dates back to the 18th century, when it was prepared with beef, although there are also much older references to it in Spanish literature. Currently, it is considered a gastronomic reference in Andalusia, the Canary Islands and Galicia, although it is also widely consumed as a tapa in many bars throughout Spain.

Cordovan salmorejo

Cordovan salmorejo is very similar to gazpacho, which is why at first glance it is very difficult to tell them apart. However, salmorejo is a more consistent dish than gazpacho, it does not include cucumber and it does include a boiled egg. The recipe consists of crushing breadcrumbs with garlic, olive oil, vinegar, salt and, mainly, tomato!

Wet ranchero

Our gastronomic route takes us to La Mancha lands so that we can taste a very special tuna salad, one that reminds us of the unique flavor of Spanish summer meals: the mojo ranchero. For this preparation you only need chopped natural tomato, red onion, boiled eggs, natural canned tuna, pitted olives, bell peppers, olive oil, apple cider vinegar and salt.

Galician octopus

This Galician delicacy is not only one of the most appetizing Spanish summer meals of the season, but also one of the most internationally recognized dishes. This preparation consists of cooking the octopus in boiling water, cutting it into slices and presenting it on a bed of potatoes, also sliced. Finally, sprinkle paprika on top.

The recipe itself is not complicated, but it has its secrets.

Andalusia and Extremadura ajoblanco

White or ajoblanco gazpacho is listed as one of the most popular Spanish summer meals in Andalusia and Extremadura, and we are dealing with a very old recipe that has passed from generation to generation and has become a very important legacy of Spanish cuisine. Its flavor is very special and its texture very appetizing, you can get an idea of ​​both from its ingredients: raw almonds, garlic, olive oil, vinegar and bread. When serving it, it can be accompanied with peeled and seeded grapes.

Extremadura Zorongollo

Salads calm the heat and restore us, for these reason recipes such as zorongollo have become so typical and popular during the summer throughout Spain. This preparation has its origin in the region of La Vera, although it is widely consumed in Extremadura and south of Salamanca.

Zorongollo is a very simple salad that is prepared with four ingredients: roasted peppers and tomatoes, oil and salt. This dish works very well as a starter, dinner or side dish.

Squids apogees

In Spain, small or medium-sized squid is called chaperones. This ingredient is very common in Spanish summer meals, especially on the menu of the best tapas bars, beach restaurants or chiringuitos.

One of the most famous recipes is the apogees or drowned baby squid, a preparation native to Asturias, particularly Gijon. It is a simple dish, but with an exquisite flavor and a spicy touch. The sauce is irresistible.

La Mancha disco

This dish has endless versions, as it uses seasonal vegetables. It is said that the original recipe is prepared only with tomatoes, zucchini and peppers (green and red), however, today it can be made with practically any vegetable that we have at home.

Montego disco serves as a garnish for any type of meat and fish, as well as an appetizer with toast. In addition, it can be served hot or cold, which is why it is very common to find it among Spanish summer meals.

Cod esqueixada

If you are looking for cold summer meals with a distinguished touch, try the esqueixada.  This recipe of Catalan origin consists of a very complete and tasty salad, which contains cod, onion, tomatoes, olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and black olives. Words to describe it?  Captivating flavor, refreshing, light, quick to prepare and elegant.

 Tip: Some recipes also add a red and a green bell pepper.

Valencia paella

Who doesn’t want to taste delicious paella in summer? In Spain this is a very common custom, therefore the typical Valencia paella could not be missing from our list of the best summer meals. Although we can find countless recipes today, the traditional one from the Valencia Community is still one of the favorites. With vegetables, meat, spices and snails, it is an explosion of flavors that you cannot miss!

Do you prefer seafood paella? Another of the most popular in the whole country! Enjoying good paella in front of the sea is something that we all love; however, we can also cook this delicious dish in the comfort of our home.

Rideau Seafood

In line with the previous recipe, the seafood idea is another of the star dishes of beach restaurants. Fine noodles are used to make it and it is characterized by its exquisite sea flavor and its slightly crunchy texture due to the pasta, which must be al dente. In many places it is accompanied with aioli, but if you want to enjoy its flavor, we recommend you try this dish first without this sauce.


The potato omelet is a very popular dish throughout the year, but in summer it takes on a special role because it is an economical recipe and ideal to enjoy with family or friends.  In this way, it is common to see many families eating potato omelet on the beach, since it is also a dish that can be prepared in advance and eaten both hot and cold. Likewise, it is ideal for dinner accompanied by some fried pardon peppers, sausage and a little bread.

Tiger nut milk shake

Although horchata is a very popular drink throughout the world, tiger nut is a typical drink from Valencia and, therefore, widely consumed throughout Spain during the summer season. It is perfect for any time of the day, since it allows us to refresh ourselves while enjoying a drink full of flavor and very creamy. Making it at home is easier than it seems, you just need to get tiger nuts, sugar and water.

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