Spanish potato omelet recipe

The Spanish potato omelet is a traditional recipe of our gastronomy. The potato or potato omelet is very simple to make, but it also has its little tricks to make it perfect and we will share them all. Around this recipe there is controversy about whether it should have onion or not, although the truth is that both ways make a delicious tortilla. Therefore, we encourage each person to prepare it to their liking and decide whether or not they want to add this ingredient. Personally, we like the point that the onion gives it, but trying to add the right amount.

Another controversy about the Spanish omelet is whether it should be cooked well or underdone. Again, this is something personal, so everyone should cook it until it reaches the desired doneness. Of course, a good Spanish potato omelet must have that point of juiciness to prevent it from being too dry. Having said all this, read on and discover with us how to make a Spanish potato omelet, it is an excellent dish!

Ingredients to make Spanish omelet:

  • 5 eggs
  • 500 grams of potatoes
  • 1 onion (optional)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 glass of olive oil

How to make Spanish Potato Omelets:

  1. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes.
  2. To get a good Spanish omelet we recommend cutting the potatoes finely.
  3. They can be small pieces or larger, but thin slices.
  4.  Finely chop the onion in case you want to make your potato omelet with onion.
  5. Heat a pan with plenty of oil and, when hot, add the potatoes and let them cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally so they don’t burn.
  6. Add the onion and mix. You can put only half an onion if you want to give more prominence to the potato. Keep cooking until the potatoes are done.
  7. When they are poached, remove the potatoes with the onion and place them in a strainer to remove excess oil.
  8. Now you have two ways to make the potato omelet depending on whether you want it to be more or less juicy.
  9.  The first one consists of beating the eggs well, adding the potatoes and a little salt and mixing. If the eggs are foamy, the result will be a fluffy and cooked potato omelet.
  10. The second option is to incorporate the potatoes in a bowl, add the whole eggs, salt to taste and mix. In this way, that is, without first beating the eggs, the result is a juicy potato omelet.
  11. Tip: let the mixture sit for a few minutes to finish mixing. Some people flatten the potatoes a bit to make the tortilla creamier.
  12. Take a non-stick frying pan, add a couple of tablespoons of oil and let it heat up. Pour all the mixture and, at first, stir the potatoes a little. You should do this alone at first, then let the tortilla cook on its own.
  13. Tip: it is very important to use a non-stick frying pan to prevent the potato omelet from sticking and falling apart
  14. When you see the edges start to curdle, flip it over and cook for another 3-4 minutes.
  15. If you want your Spanish potato omelet to be slightly curdled, this is the time to take it out, otherwise, let it cook for a couple or 3 more minutes.
  16. The Spanish potato omelet recipe is ready to serve. When you cut it, you will see that it is a juicy and perfect tortilla, although remember that the cooking point is totally to the consumer’s taste.


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