Spaghetti with smoked salmon recipe

In this recipe we are going to make delicious spaghetti with smoked salmon in a simple and practical way to use this ingredient, which is highly desired in the gastronomic world. With this easy recipe you will learn to combine smoked salmon with your favorite pasta, achieving a delicious, elegant dish that everyone at home will like. Then we will see the step by step of the recipe and its ingredients.

Ingredients to make Spaghetti with smoked salmon:

  • 300 grams of Spaghetti
  • 150 grams of smoked salmon
  • 1 unit of purple onion
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 cup of Cream of milk or cream
  • 2 teaspoons of fresh parsley on top

How to make Spaghetti with Smoked Salmon:

  1. Our first step to make the recipe for spaghetti with salmon is to prepare the ingredients.
  2. First of all, we must cook the spaghettiuntil al dente and reserve. Remember to cook them with boiling water and a pinch of salt.
  3. Bring a frying pan to medium heat, add a tablespoon of sunflower oil and fry the red onionin very fine squares with salt, black pepper and a touch of garlic paste if you wish.
  4. Add the spaghetti and thesmoked salmon in very thin strips. Mix all the ingredients of the recipe well. Remember that the spaghetti must already be cooked.
  5. Add the white wineand let the alcohol evaporate. Add the milk cream and let it keep for 5 more minutes or until you see that our sauce is thickening.
  6. Turn off the heat and add fresh parsleyon top to give an additional touch to our recipe.
  7. Serve the spaghetti with smoked salmonadding a piece of salmon as decoration on top of each plate, if you wish you can also add Parmesan cheese.

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