Spaghetti with Ragu Sauce Recipe

Ragu sauce is a pasta sauce made from tomato, carrot and onion, all fried and reduced with wine. In this easy recipe we teach you how to make this sauce for delicious spaghetti, keep reading and you will be surprised how easy it is to prepare.

Spaghetti with ragu sauce is the dish that your menu needs, so let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Spaghetti with rage sauce:

  1. 350 grams of Spaghetti
  2. 75 grams of Butter (⅓ cup)
  3. 75 cubic centimeters of Oil
  4. 100 cubic centimeters of white wine
  5. 150 grams of minced meat
  6. 2 onions
  7. 1 branch of parsley
  8. 75 grams of grated cheese
  9. 150 grams of Carrot
  10. 250 grams of Tomato
  11. 9 grains of ground black pepper
  12. 150 grams of York ham
  13. 2 tablespoons of flour

How to make Spaghetti with rage sauce:

  • Bring salted water to a boil and a little oil. When it boils, add the spaghetti and cook in the traditional way until al dente.
  • Once ready, drain, spray with oil and reserve.
  • On the other hand, chop all the vegetables finely or in small squares. The cut will depend on how you want the vegetables to feel in the sauce.
  • Heat a large frying pan with a little oil and start to make a sauce by adding the ingredients in this order: carrot and onion, then the flour, the wine, the tomato and finally the meat and ham.
  • Continue cooking until the sauce is ready, season to taste with salt and pepper and when it is ready, add a little fresh parsley.
  • Without turning off the pan, add the spaghetti inside and stir everything until they catch the heat of the sauce.
  • Serve the spaghetti with ragù sauces prinkling a little cheese on top of each plate and bon appetite!

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