Soupy rice with clam’s recipe

Ingredients to make soupy rice with clams:

  • 300 grams of Rice
  • 1 kilogram of Clams
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 liter of water

How to make soupy rice with clams:

  1. We start by putting a saucepan on the fire with the oil and half of the sliced ​​garlic. We also add a pinch of salt and a good amount of parsley, finely chopped, to taste.
  2. We keep the sauce until we see that the garlic begins to brown, then we add the very clean clams and then add the rest of the finely chopped garlic together with another pinch of salt.
  3. To clean the clams you must soak them in cold water with plenty of salt from the night before preparation. For this rice with clam’s recipe, you can also use frozen clams.
  4. Next, and with the help of a wooden spoon, turn the sauce around several times so that the garlic and parsley mixture releases its flavor on the clams, which should already begin to open.
  5. Add the white wine to the pot and let it boil for a couple of minutes so that part of the alcohol evaporates. Then add the water and season with pepper. Continue cooking over medium heat until everything boils for 5 minutes.
  6. After this time we pass the preparation through a strainer, separating the broth from the clams. We reserve both preparations separately.
  7. Put the broth back in the pot and let it come to a boil, then add the rice and lower the heat to a minimum. We let the rice cook slowly and shortly before it is ready, we add the clams.
  8. We can add the clams to the rice whole or without shell or shell, as we like.
  9. Serve this rich soupy rice with clams and garnish each plate with a few sprigs of parsley.
  10. Clams are a very popular shellfish and you can make them in many ways. If you have already tried this soupy rice dish, it is time to try other recipes such as noodles with clams or potato stew with clams.

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