Snowy lemon recipe

Ingredients to make Nevado lemon:

  • 1 bottle of La Lechera milk (397 gr.)
  • 1 Can of Carnation milk (410gr.)
  • 1 package of Maria biscuits
  • The juice of 6 lemons

How to make Nevado lemon:

  1. Blend together the dairy milk and the carnation, immediately add the lemon juice.
  2. Blend again and test to see if you don’t need more lemon juice.
  3. Place a layer of biscuits in a reflective container and add half of the blend, repeat the operation (biscuits and the rest of the blend).
  4. With the leftovers of the cookies they are ground and sprinkled with lemon snow.
  5. Cover well with aluminum foil or kitchen film and put in the refrigerator for about 3 or 4 hours.

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