Snowy Eggs Recipe

Snowy eggs or, as they are also called, floating islands, are a delicious dessert that you cannot stop trying. They are very easy to make and you can serve them just 3 hours after refrigerating them. To make them, the snowy egg whites are curdled and allowed to rest on top of a rich crème anglaise, so that they look like clouds on top of it.

Therefore, it is a colorful dessert recipe that will be very tempting for both children and adults. Be sure to try this delight and prepare something different for your family. Here in this article we tell you how to make traditional snowy eggs in just a few steps!

Ingredients to make Snowy Eggs:

  • 3 eggs
  • 3 glasses of semi-skimmed milk
  • 60 grams of white sugar
  • 8 grams of cornstarch or corn flour
  • 1 piece of cinnamon stick
  • 2 pieces of lemon peel
  • 60 grams of sugar
  • Chocolate noodles to decorate

How to make Snowy Eggs:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks, reserve the first ones. Pour the yolks into a container, mix them with the cornmeal or cornstarch, and two fingers of milk from the total amount. Stir and reserve the mixture.
  2. Pour the egg whites into a large container and beat with the electric beaters.
  3. Halfway through mounting the whites, slowly add 25 grams of sugar and continue beating. You can assemble them by hand if you don’t have electric blades, but it will take longer.
  4. To know that they are well assembled, check that their appearance is thick and consistent, that they form peaks. Reserve the whipped egg whites for later.
  5. Heat the rest of the milk in a saucepan and add the rest of the sugar. Also add the piece of cinnamon and the strips of lemon peel.
  6. Stir to dissolve well and let it gradually heat up over medium heat. Do not let boiland watch that it maintains a constant temperature for 4 minutes
  7. Leave the mixture 5 minutes apart, emulsifying with the cinnamon and lemon. Then, take them out and reheat the milk on its own.
  8.  When it is about to boil, collect balls of the assembled egg whites with the help of two spoons. As the milk is very hot, the egg whites will curdle and look like clouds.
  9. Deposit one by one and when they set, carefully remove to a plate and reserve.
  10.  Once you finish cooking the snow whites, pass the milk through a strainerto prevent it from removing traces of the white, and return it to a minimum heat.
  11. Slowly pour the egg yolk mixture into the milk.
  12.  Stir constantlyso that it does not make lumps. A very soft and exquisite English cream will be formed, keep it on the heat for 3 minutes, but do not stop stirring so that the yolks do not set.
  13. Distribute the English cream or custard over containers and add the cooked egg whites in the form of a cloud so that they float on top of the cream.
  14.  You can add some chocolate noodles to the snowy eggs, but traditionally it is decorated with cinnamon powder, it’s up to you!
  15. Take to the fridge for about three hours and you will have an incredible dessert that will surprise young and old.

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