Smoothies for Breakfast – Recipes to Lose Weight and Burn Fat

It is no secret to anyone that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This moment is key, since the body must recover from long hours without eating food and also prepare itself with energy for the rest of the day. However, preparing a good, correctly balanced breakfast is becoming increasingly difficult for us due to the lack of time and information. This is a little more complicated if we must follow a diet to lose weight or we are athletes. It is there when shakes become a healthy alternative, an ideal complement to a balanced diet.

Tofu smoothie for breakfast before training

The tofu smoothie is perfect for breakfast, as it provides carbohydrates that help us recover the muscle from the night’s rest and abundant protein to prepare us for the rest of the day. The ingredients are:

  • 1 orange
  • 100g mango
  • 50g almonds
  • 80 g of semi-hard tofu

To make it, you simply have to beat all the ingredients. Find out all the details in the Tofu Smoothie Recipe.

Benefits for athletes of tofu shake

  • Low in fat. Tofu provides few and healthy fats, since we are talking about polyunsaturated fats (with a greater amount of essential fatty acids). Likewise, almonds provide healthy fats.
  • Important protein intake of plant origin. Tofu provides protein that contains 8 essential amino acids.
  • Contains a large amount of lecithin. Soy (contained in tofu) provides this substance, responsible for encapsulating the fat that enters the body and discarding it, mainly in the urine. For this reason, it helps fight hypertension, obesity and keeps the heart healthy.
  • Provides important nutrients to the body. Tofu alone contains vitamin K, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, and vitamin E, in addition to minerals such as copper, selenium, manganese, potassium, iron, magnesium, and iron. While mango and orange contain a large amount of vitamin C, A and E (among many other compounds). In summary, these minerals and vitamins are very important in the processes of muscle regeneration and growth.
  • It produces satiety and improves intestinal transitdue to the mango and orange that provide a lot of soluble fiber. Tofu also contains fiber but little, so it has little influence on this aspect.
  • It favors the production of collagen, a very valuable substance for athletes, as it prevents pain in the joints and tendons. In this case, the collagen is provided by the orange.

How to drink tofu smoothie to lose weight

In general, protein shakes are taken 30 minutes before eating breakfast. You can do it for a month or until you reach the goal set.

Banana and cinnamon smoothie for breakfast and weight loss (no sugar)

The sugar-free banana and cinnamon smoothie is ideal for the first meal of the day, as it contains abundant carbohydrates, which prevent muscle catabolization. To prevent the muscle from entering this state, the liver glycogen level must be quickly recovered, which drops considerably when we get up.

For all of the above, this is another ideal breakfast shake for athletes, however, people who want to follow a healthy diet and lose weight can also take it. The ingredients are:

  • 4 cups of unsweetened non-dairy milk
  • 4 pitted dates
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter

Blend all the ingredients and serve. Check all the details by visiting the Banana and Cinnamon Smoothie Recipe.

Benefits for athletes of sugar-free banana and cinnamon smoothie

  • It brings energy. Dates and bananas delay the onset of fatigue, thus achieving better performance. For this reason and others, both fruits are considered ideal for athletes.
  • Contains abundant potassium. Banana, dates and peanuts (contained in natural peanut butter) provide abundant potassium that is multiplied by three, exponentially provides an improvement in heart rate and blood pressure, muscle growth, elimination of muscle cramps and regulation of muscles. Body fluids.
  • Produces a feeling of satiety. Banana, dates and peanuts contain plenty of fiber, which creates a feeling of satiety. In addition, banana and figs improve digestive transit.
  • Contains quality protein. Peanuts are an important source of vegetable protein, just like vegetable milk (although depending on the type of vegetable milk they will be more or less protein), very important for muscle protection.
  • Improve muscle health. Dates and bananas are rich in vitamin B3, a nutrient that especially favors the muscles, providing protection for the muscular system, stimulation of psychomotor skills, ease of transforming carbohydrates into energy, stimulation of the production of red blood cells and an increase in muscle mass.
  • Improves sleep and mood. Thanks to tryptophan, an essential amino acid used by our brain to produce serotonin, a substance contained in both bananas and peanuts. A good rest guarantees the recovery and growth of muscle mass. For this reason, this is a breakfast and dinner shake to lose weight and improve training.
  • Levels blood sugar. Cinnamon reduces blood glucose levels thanks to cinnamtannin.
  • Proteins rich in arginine. A part of the protein contained in this shake comes from peanuts, which contain a good amount of arginine, a non-essential amino acid that is very important for the production of growth hormone.
  • Provides essential fatty acids. Peanut butter (and peanuts themselves) is an excellent source of omega 3, especially the essential fatty acids alpha-linoleic and linoleic acid.

How to take the smoothie to lose weight

Eat this smoothie 30 minutes before breakfast, since together with breakfast you can gain weight.

Homemade energy shake for breakfast: green smoothie

At breakfast the body needs a large amount of energy, both to recover from long hours without eating food and to reserve energy until the next meal or until training. In this sense, this smoothie meets all these expectations and much more. Therefore, if you are looking for energy shakes for breakfast, this is the option you need! The ingredients are:

  • 1 banana
  • 150g spinach
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 teaspoon of flower honey
  • 250 ml of milk
  • 1 tablespoon oat flakes

If you want to review the step by step, go to the Green smoothie recipe with banana.

Benefits for athletes of the green smoothie with banana

  • They contain abundant potassium, in addition to other important minerals. Each 100 g of spinach provides us with approximately 550 mg of potassium, which, added to the 400 g provided by the banana, exceeds the required daily quota of 3.5 grams. Potassium prevents cramps and ensures proper muscle contraction.
  • Provides an important contribution of calcium. Both spinach and milk contain calcium, an essential mineral for bone health.
  • It brings a lot of energy. Due to the abundant carbohydrates contained in the banana, avocado, honey, milk and spinach. An ideal cocktail for the restoration and growth of muscle tissue.
  • Contains a high percentage of iron. Spinach and milk contain iron, a fundamental mineral to keep muscle tissues oxygenated.

How to take the energy shake for breakfast

Drink this smoothie before breakfast, preferably 30 minutes before, and have an equally healthy breakfast.

Smoothie for a fitness breakfast: with assorted fruits

This smoothie is designed for the requirements demanded by the early hours of the day, as it provides abundant carbohydrates for quick energy and to balance blood sugar, and complements it with protein to strengthen muscle. This is a fitness shake made with fruit recommended for athletes but also for people who want to lose weight. The ingredients are:

  • 1/2 cup mango
  • 1/2 cup of blackberries
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1 cup of pomegranate (the grains)
  • 1/2 cup of natural yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 120 ml of water
  • ice (optional)

If you want to see the step by step, see the Pomegranate Smoothie Recipe.

Benefits for athletes of the fitness shake for breakfast

  • Contains quercetin. This component present in pomegranate helps restore muscle in two ways: it facilitates recovery and helps hydrate the body.
  • Provides a large amount of antioxidants. For its part, the pomegranate contains antioxidants such as fatty acids, punicalagins, tannins, ellagic acid, anthocyanins, delphinidin, cyanidin and pelargonidin, responsible for reducing cell damage and eliminating toxins. On the other hand, strawberry, blackberry and mango contain important antioxidants contained in vitamins A, C and E, which, in addition to protecting us from free radicals, help preserve muscle strength and tone. Finally, chia seeds mainly provide flavonoids, which contribute to the reduction of bad cholesterol and facilitate blood circulation (important for oxygenating the muscle).
  • It has abundant nitrate. This compound provided by the pomegranate, once inside the body, is transformed into nitric oxide, which helps to dilate the blood vessels, thus allowing the passage of a greater amount of air and consequently increases athletic performance.
  • It provides a significant dose of carbohydrates, that is, a lot of energy. Pomegranate, strawberry, mango, blackberries, yogurt and chia provide a significant amount of carbohydrates. In addition, the minerals (phosphorus, selenium, magnesium and potassium) and the B vitamins contained in yogurt help to properly metabolize these carbohydrates, the main source of body energy. Consequently, rapid muscle repair is favored after very strenuous exercises.
  • It contains a large amount of fiber. Mango, strawberry, blackberry, and pomegranate contain plenty of fiber. This substance not only regulates intestinal transit, but also produces satiety. In turn, both benefits contribute to a third: weight loss.
  • It is an excellent source of quality protein. Both yogurt and chia promote muscle growth thanks to the proteins they provide.
  • It has a large amount of anthocyanins thanks to strawberries, a compound that provides elasticity to blood vessels, reducing blood pressure.

How to take the fitness shake for breakfast

Eat this smoothie before breakfast, about 30 minutes before.

Smoothie for breakfast ideal for athletes: with peanuts and bananas

Although it seems more like a dessert than a protein shake, this drink is ideal to start the day, especially for athletes who are preparing to train. What is the most important thing in the morning if you train? A good amount of carbohydrates and proteins to protect and stimulate your muscle mass. The ingredients to make this smoothie are:

  • 2 bananas
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 50 ml of milk (preferably vegetable without sugar)

Mix all the ingredients and enjoy this drink. Check out the step-by-step Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie Recipe.

Benefits of peanut and banana smoothie for breakfast

  • Provides plenty of potassium.
  • It gives a feeling of satiety thanks to the contribution of fiber from the banana and peanuts.
  • It has quality vegetable proteins, very important for muscle protection.
  • Improves sleep and mood thanks to tryptophan, which we have already seen is found in bananas and peanuts.
  • Contains essential fatty acids. Peanut butter is an excellent source of omega 3, essential to keep the circulatory system in good condition and oxygenate the muscles.

How to have the banana and peanut smoothie for breakfast

Drink this delicious smoothie before breakfast, preferably 30 minutes before.

Healthy smoothie to lose weight with avocado and pineapple

Avocado is especially beneficial in the morning, as it controls anxiety over the consumption of sweet or greasy foods. Pineapple can better develop its anti-inflammatory, diuretic and cleansing properties in the morning, before the body begins to consume food. Ingredients:

  • 1 pineapple
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1 cup of frozen forest fruits
  • 240 ml of water

The steps to prepare this smoothie? Very simple, beat it all up and check out the Avocado and Pineapple Smoothie Recipe.

Properties of avocado and pineapple smoothie to lose weight

  • It generates satiety. All the ingredients contain a lot of fiber, which directly causes the feeling of satiety. In addition, the fiber facilitates the evacuation process.
  • It is very digestive. The avocado facilitates the digestion of vegetables and fruits thanks to its healthy fats, while the pineapple facilitates the absorption of meats due to bromating.
  • Stops the need to consume sugars. Pineapple and avocado inhibit the need for sugar or fat but multiplied by two.
  • It has a diuretic effect. Pineapple contains 85% water, hence its diuretic power.
  • It provides healthy fats thanks to the avocado.
  • Contains potassium. The avocado contains 485 mg of potassium per 100 g, even more than a banana.

How to have the avocado and pineapple smoothie for breakfast

You can taste this smoothie during breakfast, so you improve digestion. If you want more purifying action, drink it 30 minutes before breakfast.

Strawberry and ginger smoothie to lose weight during breakfast

Breakfast time is ideal to enjoy this smoothie, as it provides a lot of energy, regulates blood sugar and cleanses your body. The ingredients are:

  • 8 strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 200 ml oat milk

Surely you already want to prepare this delicious slimming shake, because you just have to beat it all. Check out the step by step in the Strawberry and Ginger Smoothie Recipe for Weight Loss.

Slimming properties of strawberry and ginger smoothie

  • Regulates intestinal activity. Oats and strawberries provide your body with a good amount of soluble fiber.
  • Produces satiety. The fiber contained in this drink upon reaching the stomach expands and creates a feeling of fullness.
  • Provides abundant energy. All the ingredients in this recipe provide a good dose of carbohydrates.
  • Regulates sugar levels. The fiber contained in oatmeal and strawberry help control blood sugar.
  • It has cleansing properties.
  • Improves digestion.

How to have the strawberry and ginger smoothie for breakfast

This smoothie can be consumed before and after breakfast. If you consume it 30 minutes before eating, you increase its depurative capacity, if you consume it during the meal you favor digestion. In both cases, the final result will be favorable for weight loss.

Smoothie for breakfast with oatmeal

This shake is highly energetic, so it is recommended to consume it exclusively during the first hours of the day to burn it properly and take better advantage of its slimming properties.

If you are interested in all the details of this recipe, do not miss the video that we share, in which we show the ingredients and the steps to follow.

Slimming properties of oatmeal smoothie

  • Produces a feeling of satiety.
  • Contains abundant fiber.
  • It provides a lot of energy, since it contains carbohydrates, proteins and lipids (healthy fats).
  • Calm anxiety.
  • Contains potassium, among other important minerals.
  • It provides a large amount of proteins of high biological value.
  • It improves intestinal transit, since both oats and bananas provide a lot of fiber.

How to take the oatmeal shake for breakfast

Ingest this smoothie 30 minutes before breakfast, on an empty stomach.

Smoothie for breakfast without milk: with apple and pear

This smoothie is ideal for before breakfast, as the fasting body facilitates its cleansing action and stabilizes the body’s glucose, which drops during sleep hours due to nocturnal organic activity. The ingredients are:

  • 1 green apple
  • 2 kiwis
  • 1 pear
  • 4 glasses of orange juice
  • 4 stalks of celery
  • 1 pineapple

As you can see, this is a smoothie for breakfast without milk, ideal for losing weight, suitable for lactose intolerant people. You just have to whisk it all together or check out the Apple Pear Smoothie Recipe.

Slimming benefits of apple and pear smoothie

  • It acts as a powerful cleanser. Eliminates impurities from the body, as it has both diuretic and purifying qualities.
  • It favors intestinal transit, since all the fruits included in this recipe are rich in fiber and together they multiply their effectiveness (especially kiwi, pear and orange). Ideal for cases of colitis and irritated colon.
  • It produces a feeling of satiety thanks to its high fiber content.
  • Regulates blood sugar due to the fiber contained in this smoothie, but especially in the celery and green apple stalks.
  • It acts as an anti-inflammatorydue to bromeliad, which is perfect right after training.
  • It is an excellent digestive. The pineapple provides an enzyme (bromeliad) that destroys the protein, facilitating the assimilation of the meat.
  • Speed ​​up metabolism.

How to take the shake for breakfast without milk

Eat this smoothie for breakfast, accompanied by equally healthy and low-calorie products, such as delicious oatmeal cookies.

Smoothie for breakfast and healthy weight loss: with blueberries

This smoothie contains plenty of fiber that acts as a powerful cleanser during the early hours of the day. In addition, it provides the body with abundant energy, lots of protein and suppresses appetite. These things are favorable for lowering body weight. The ingredients to make it are:

  • 2 bananas
  • 1 small glass of blueberries
  • 1 glass of skimmed or vegetable milk

If you want to prepare this smoothie, we invite you to review the Blueberry smoothie recipe with banana.

Properties of the blueberry smoothie for breakfast and weight loss

  • Regulates blood sugarthanks to the high fiber content of blueberries and bananas.
  • Control cholesterol. Fiber and antioxidants help keep cholesterol at bay. In the particular case of blueberries, they increase the hepatic synthesis of good cholesterol (HDL) and inhibit bad cholesterol (LDL). Thus, blood pressure is regulated.
  • Helps fight diabetes. Since it keeps sugar levels stable, mainly due to fiber.
  • Reduces the acidity of the blood. Blueberries decrease toxemia in the blood. Discover more Fruit juices for diabetics here.
  • Control your appetite. Fiber is responsible for the feeling of satiety, since when it reaches the stomach it expands. In addition, by regulating blood sugar, periods of nutritional satisfaction are prolonged.
  • It provides quality protein. Milk of animal origin contains proteins of high biological value.
  • Promotes fat reduction. All of the above points contribute to weight loss.

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