Smoothie Ham Recipe

The spreadable creams are ideal for livening up gatherings with friends or family, an easy and quick dish that everyone likes. Within this type of appetizers, mayonnaise and lactones, the name given to egg-free mayonnaise, are a success. In this opportunity, you will learn how to make a delicious smoothie ham with lactones, a delicious spreadable cream based on mayonnaise with which you will surprise everyone.

Ingredients to make beaten ham:

  • 200 milliliters of sunflower oil
  • 100 milliliters of whole milk
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 200 grams of cured ham
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

How to make beaten ham:

Making the cured ham is very easy. The first step to make this appetizer will be to make the lactose. To do this, you will need a hand mixer, first add the milk and then very slowly the oil. Put the blender to the bottom of the glass and start beating.

After a few minutes the bottom of the glass will begin to thicken, at that moment slowly raise the mixer to continue mixing and add the lemon juice. Beat until you get a thick mixture and reserve. The lactose, as it does not contain egg, remains very white.  Separately, mash the ham together with the garlic until a very fine mixture remains.  Incorporate the lactones prepared previously and mix gently stirring in an enveloping way. Taste and correct the seasoning with a little salt if necessary. Store in the fridge. The beaten ham is ideal to eat stuffed Venezuelan arepas, sandwiches or on toasted bread.

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