Smoked salmon pie recipe

Ingredients to make smoked salmon empanada:

  • Puff pastry
  • 250 g of smoked salmon
  • 150g soft cheese
  • 2 red sweet onions
  • 3 boiled eggs

How to make smoked salmon empanada:

You can make your own or buy the puff pastry directly. Within the puff pastry distribute the cheese proportionally and in the quantity desired, on top of the cheese we incorporate the smoked salmon while we cook 3 eggs and fry the 3 onions in olive oil. Once the eggs are cooked and the onion is already fried, we incorporate it all over the smoked salmon and cover with the other layer of puff pastry putting it in the oven that we previously preheated to 220. 25-30 minutes of cooking in the oven and ready.

The puff pastry can be spread with beaten egg on the outside. In the ingredients you can vary the recipe by incorporating tomato or even béchamel.

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