Smoked Salmon and Cheese Canapés Recipe

In this recipe we are going to make three very simple options for smoked salmon and cream cheese canapés. This easy and delicious appetizer can be prepared to enjoy with family or friends at any time. Follow the recipe step by step and enjoy the mixture of flavors with cream cheese and smoked salmon.

Ingredients to make Smoked Salmon and Cheese Canapés:

  • 30 units of small toasted bread
  • 200 grams of smoked salmon
  • 60 grams of Bacon or smoked bacon
  • 1 unit of large white onion
  • 3 teaspoons of oregano
  • 250 grams of cream cheese
  • 120 grams of milk or cream
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic paste
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Smoked Salmon and Cheese Canapés:

The first step to make smoked salmon canapés is to pre-list the ingredients of the recipe.  For the toast you can use bagget bread in thin slices and as for the spices, you can replace the oregano with fresh dill, thyme or the one you like the most. Take a skillet over medium heat with a little oil, once hot add the smoked bacon in very thin strips. She browns the bacon very well and removes from the heat once they are ready.

Next, we will make the three flavored bases of this recipe. To do this, in a bowl add the cream cheese and with the help of a spoon soften it a little so that it is not so firm.

Add salt, black pepper and garlic paste if you wish to enhance the flavor of our cream cheese base dip. Mix well and add the milk or cream. The ideal is to obtain a cream cheese that is creamier and easier to spread. A smooth texture like the one seen in the photograph should be obtained.

Add the finely chopped white onion and mix all the ingredients well until they are integrated. Separate the cream cheese into three bowls. Add the golden bacon in one and mix very well, the contrast of the bacon with the smoked salmon is really fantastic.

In the other add finely chopped smoked salmon (about 20 grams of the 200 we have to make the salmon canapés). Mix very well until the ingredients are integrated. If you have fresh salmon you can smoke it following the recipe for homemade smoked salmon. In the last bowl of flavored cream cheese add the spice you have chosen.

Trick: Oregano, basil and thyme combine very well with salmon

Spread the toast with the different cheese mixtures. The ideal size is that of a bite, so it will be easier to enjoy this appetizer with smoked salmon. Take the toast with each of the dips to the plate where they will be served. Mix the toasts so that diners try all the flavors.

Finally, add a roll of smoked salmon on top of each of the canapés, sprinkle parsley on top to taste and we are ready to eat. Smoked salmon and cheese canapés are an elegant, gourmet and delicious option to prepare the Christmas appetizer table.

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