Smoked pomfret pate recipe with Thermomix

Smoked pomfret pâté with Thermomix is ​​a preparation that you can easily prepare at home without wasting much time or making great efforts if what you really like is fish. You will see that with the touch of cream and egg this white smoked pomfret pate is to suck your fingers. Try this easy pomfret pate recipe that we make available to you today and tell us what you think of it.

Ingredients to make Smoked Pomfret Pate with Thermomix:

  • 1 can of canned anchovies
  • 1 can of canned tuna
  • 200 grams of smoked white pomfret
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 pot of liquid cream
  • 1 pinch of ground pepper

How to make Smoked Pomfret Pate with Thermomix:

To start preparing this smoked pomfret pate with Thermomix, the first thing we have to do is drain the oil well from all the cans of tuna and anchovies (using a strainer and then pressing them) and put the contents in the Thermomix glass. Next, add the eggs, cream and ground pepper and program the Thermomix for 30 seconds at speed 5. We are not going to add salt to this smoked pomfret pâté because the fish we use are already salty.

Next, add the smoked pomfret and program the Thermomix for 5 minutes at a temperature of 85º C and speed 5. Next, we pour and rectify the texture of the pomfret pâté and introduce it into the desired mould.

To finish, we put the smoked pomfret pâté with Thermomix in the refrigerator and let it cool until it has the right consistency. And it will be ready to taste! You can accompany it with some toast or some slices of homemade bread.

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