Smoked Cream Recipe with Thermomix

Ingredients to make smoked cream with Thermomix:

  • 100 grams of smoked salmon cut
  • 2 tablespoons of Butter
  • 50 grams of Oil
  • 2 large carrots
  • 4 leeks
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 6 mushrooms (to taste)
  • 500 grams of fish stock
  • 1 tablet of fish broth
  • 4 cups of sterilized cream
  • ground cayenne to taste

How to make smoked cream with Thermomix:

  1. To prepare this smoked cream with Thermomix, the first thing we must do is pour the butter and oil into the glass, then add all the vegetables (we only use the white part of the leek, not the green part) and program the food processor 8 minutes, at a temperature of 100ºC and speed 4.
  2. Next, add the reserved stock, the bouillon cube and the ground cayenne pepper to taste, and program the Thermomix for 12 more minutes at a temperature of 100ºC and speed 5
  3. In the last 5 minutes, add the liquid cream to the smoked cream with Thermomix.
  4. Next, add the salmon and program the Thermomix for 6 more seconds at speed 4, until it is minced. Rectify the seasoning of the smoked cream with Thermomix if necessary and serve it to your liking.
  5. If you wish, you can serve the smoked cream with Thermomix with puff pastry in this way: with the cold cream, put a disk of puff pastry in each bowl or in the tureen, sticking it to the edges with beaten egg.
  6. Paint the surface with egg and put it in the oven preheated to 200ºC, until the puff pastry is golden and has puffed up.
  7. Next, pour the smoked cream with Thermomix over each bowl or tureen and enjoy!

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