Skillet Buttered Popcorn Recipe

Don’t know how to make pan popcorn? Well, don’t worry because you have it very easy thanks to this recipe for popcorn with butter and salt that we put at your disposal.

Healthy homemade popcorn is a perfect appetizer or starter to enjoy alone or with others while watching a movie at home, and they are also much healthier than if we have to make popcorn in the microwave.

For this reason, although they are also very caloric, this time we are going to teach you how to make butter popcorn in a simple and fast way without having to go to the cinema to taste them. Enjoy like the most with these homemade butter popcorn recipe step by step!

Ingredients for making Skillet Butter Popcorn:

  • 120 grams of raw corn kernels
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 piece of butter

How to make Skillet Butter Popcorn:

We will begin to prepare this healthy homemade popcorn by placing the oil in a wide frying pan or casserole and raising the heat to the maximum so that it heats up well. We also add a pinch of salt to taste so that it melts in the oil.

The ideal temperature for pan popping is between 200 and 450ºC, and boiling oil reaches approximately 500ºC.

Tip: The oil does not have to be smoking but very hot. If smoke begins to come out, it means that it is burning.

Next, we add the raw corn, making sure that the grains do not pile up on top of each other and remain in a single layer. Then we wait about 10 seconds, add the piece of butter and cover the pan, leaving a small hole so that the steam can escape or placing one of those lids that already has a small hole made.

Tip: You can check if the oil is hot enough by first adding just a couple of kernels of raw corn to the pan to see if they pop.

Being careful not to burn ourselves, we take the handle of the pan or the handles of the pan and shake it a little so that everything is mixed well. When the popcorn with butter in the pan begins to burst, lower the heat to medium and stir from time to time but without uncovering it so that it is well integrated with the oil, salt and butter. We have to wait until the butter popcorn stops being heard exploding to put out the fire, shake the container one last time and uncover.

Tip: Be careful because the butter could burn if you don’t lower the heat to half. If not, another option is to add the butter to the popcorn in the pot at the end, when they have already exploded.

Finally, stir the popcorn with butter in the pan a little more with the help of a spatula or kitchen tongue so that all the flavors are absorbed and we can taste them once they have cooled a bit.

In the case of wanting sweet homemade popcorn, we can add the butter and a little sugar at the end, when they are still hot in the pan and stir to mix well.

Trick: It is normal that some grains of corn have not burst. That’s because they didn’t have enough water in the starch inside them to create the pressure needed to explode.

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