Sinaloan Shrimp Ceviche Recipe

With the number of styles and ways of making ceviches in the world, it is difficult to decide which the best option to cook is, but you may want to try this Sinaloa shrimp ceviche, a Mexican recipe that we make available to you today. You just have to prepare the ingredients you need, follow the steps step by step and in less than half an hour you will have your Sinaloa style shrimp ceviche ready to eat.

Ingredients to make Sinaloa Shrimp Ceviche:

  • 1 kilogram of peeled raw shrimp
  • ½ kilogram of fat tomato
  • ½ red onion (purple)
  • 1 large white onion
  • 7 Serrano peppers
  • 1 pinch of coriander
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 20 lemons Colima
  • 1 tablespoon of Tabasco

How to make Sinaloa Shrimp Ceviche:

The first thing you have to do to prepare this Sinaloa shrimp ceviche is chop the shrimp into small pieces. Once chopped, add pepper and a little salt and stir well. Put the minced shrimp in the fridge, slice the lemons and squeeze them into a bowl, removing the seeds, then add the lemon juice to the shrimp, stir well and return to the fridge. Chop the tomato into squares, in the same way the white and red onions, the chilies in very small pieces, and the cilantro to taste.

While you chop the vegetables, stir the shrimp (they should turn red). Then take the container of shrimp out of the fridge and squeeze out as much lemon juice as you can, but keep the juice in a glass.

Then add the vegetables and stir well. Add a tablespoon full of the lemon juice (already used), a teaspoon of Tabasco sauce and stir well. Taste and add salt to taste while stirring.

Finally, let the Sinaloa shrimp ceviche rest for 10 minutes and serve it on toast spread with mayonnaise, and a few slices of avocado and lime if desired.

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